New care models: Setting the scene Jane McVea


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Presentation transcript:

New care models: Setting the scene Jane McVea Senior Strategic Account Manager (London and South) New Care Models Programme

The NCM Programme

We are supporting the NHS Five Year Forward View through the new care models programme Clinical engagement Patient involvement Local ownership National support Radical upgrade in prevention Health and wellbeing gap 1 New care models Care and quality gap 2 Efficiency and investment Funding gap 3

50 vanguards are developing new care models, and acting as blueprints and inspiration for the rest of the health and care system. 9 Integrated primary and acute care systems 14 Multispecialty community providers 6 Enhanced health in care homes 8 Urgent and emergency care 13 Acute care collaboration

Together, we are learning about the key requirements for developing, delivering, and spreading new care models Build collaborative system leadership and relationships around a shared vision for the population. Develop a system-wide governance and programme structure to drive the change. Undertake the detailed work to design the care model, the financial model and the business model. This includes clinical and business processes and protocols, team design and job roles. Develop and implement the care model in a way that allows it to adapt and scale. Implement the appropriate commissioning and contracting changes that will support the delivery of the new care model.

Integrated Whole Population Model (PACS/MCP) Core components of a successful whole population vanguard Systematic approach to population health management Engaging the population in their own health and wellbeing A new model of enhanced primary care &integrated community teams A person-centred approach to delivery of care and support Shared care records and digital technology Specialist advice and treatment in the community A whole pathway approach to long term care Integrated access to acute and emergency care A new model of inpatient care A whole-system approach to workforce and leadership

Whole population health

Tower Hamlets Together – children’s offer Highest proportion of children living in poverty in UK. Focussing on preventing illness and access to better co-ordinated services. Aiming to improve outcomes across 4 domains: Emotional wellbeing Early identification of needs Nutrition (Oral health and healthy weight) Self-care (minor ailment) Interventions implemented: Virtual ward for 0-16 year olds that have been identified as having complex needs – looked after in the community by an MDT.  The care plan for the individual includes how care will transition into adulthood MECC – emotional well being, oral health, healthy weight, self care Pooled health and social care wheelchair budgets Plans for 17/18 Developing Child and Families Hubs - involves much closer working between children centres, health visiting, education and the voluntary sector.  

Children’s and Young People’s mental health

Happy Healthy at Home North East Hants and Farnham Schools asked for help in attaining attendance levels. Safe haven project co-designed with 50 students from 3 local schools and feedback from 1400 students. Support requests :- a safe place to go away from school, where they could talk. Centre is open 5 days a week 18:30 – 20:00 and also has a freephone number. Seen over 120 young people. Provides early intervention, prevention and education. Volunteers are young people who have experienced mental health issues. Young people say – relaxed environment that encourages people to talk.  

Building on wellbeing

Erewash MCP Population: 97,000 across rural Derbyshire Wellbeing:- a state characterised by health, happiness, prosperity and welfare. The challenge:- to motivate young people to have greater control and understanding of health and wellbeing Brilliant Erewash – the Art of Being Brilliant. Transform the way young people think about themselves. Share simple principles to promote self esteem, confidence and good mental health Energise young people and increase numbers able to manage mental health  

For further information… More details can be found on the NHS England website: You can email the programme at: Or join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag: #futureNHS