The EU, its Parliament and the fight against poverty Chairperson: Ann Loftus, Chairperson of EAPN Ireland Keynote Speaker: Sean Kelly, MEP EAPN Ireland speaker: Robin Hanan, Director Regional workshops April/May 2017 The EU, its Parliament and the fight against poverty r With support from the European Parliament The EU, it's Parlaiment and the fight against poverty - May 2017
WELCOME! Regional workshops April/May 2017 The EU, its Parliament and the fight against poverty r With support from the European Parliament The EU, it's Parlaiment and the fight against poverty - May 2017
Understanding and Influencing EU Decision Making Regional workshops April/May 2017 The EU, its Parliament and the fight against poverty r With support from the European Parliament The EU, it's Parlaiment and the fight against poverty - May 2017
1 - EU Decision making Commission proposes and monitors EU policy Council and Parliament jointly make policy Council still has most power European Commission European Parliament European Council The EU, it's Parlaiment and the fight against poverty - May 2017
32 Directorates General and 15 Services (staff) Commission Represents the interests of the EU One Commissioner is appointed by each Member State every 5 years – has to be approved by EU Parliament – Current Commission 2014-2019. Proposes, oversees implementation enforces EU policy . ‘Guardians of the Treaties’ President 28 Commissioners 32 Directorates General and 15 Services (staff) Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission Phil Hogan, Ireland, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
Remember: It is our Government Representatives Council of the EU Represents interests of Member States Governments Main decision making body in EU but shares legislation role in most areas with the Parliament Presidency rotates every 6 months – (Ireland last in 2013) President of European Council – Donald Tusk European Council - Council of Ministers (Heads of State) (10 different formations of Ministers) - COREPER - Working Groups (Permanent Representatives- Embassies to EU) Remember: It is our Government Representatives 28
Parliament Roles How it Works Directly elected by and represents the citizens of the EU Increasing legislative or decision making power Elected for 5 years. Currently 751 Members (Ireland 11) President of the EP - Antonio Tajani First Vice-President – Mairead McGuinness Roles Legislation Supervision of EU institutions Approve, reject or sack the Commission Looks at petitions from citizens and sets up committees of inquiry Opinion on agenda for Council meetings EU Budget How it Works Political Groups (7 plus non-attached members) 20 Committees (Rapporteur and Shadow Rapporteurs) Mainly based in Brussels but the Plenary for voting on legislation and reports (Usually one week per month in Strasbourg, France) Inter-groups e.g. Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Committee Political Group
Current MEPs 2014-2019 DUBLIN Lynn Boylan (SF) Nessa Childers (Ind.) Brian Hayes (FG) MIDLANDS NORTH-WEST Matt Carthy (SF) Luke Ming Flanagan (Ind.) Marian Harkin (Ind.) Mairead McGuinness (FG) SOUTH Deirdre Clune (FG) Brian Crowley (FF) Sean Kelly (FG) Liadh Ni Riada (SF)
Influencing the Parliament Legislation Services Directive – 2006 Got most public services excluded from Directive. Structural Funds 2014-2020: 25% of funds for ESF and 20% of ESF for Social Inclusion European Parliament Reports and Resolutions Report on the role of the Troika - 2014 European Parliament Resolution on an EU homelessness strategy – 2013 European Parliament Report on the European Pillar of Social Rights 2017
European NGOs Most have members in Ireland European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) AGE – (European Network of older persons organisations) All Together in Dignity (ATD) Fourth World Eurochild European Disability Federation (EDF) European Network Against Racism (ENAR) European Women’s Lobby (EWL) FEANTSA – (European Network of homeless person’s organisations) Most have members in Ireland Most are members of Social Platform (EU network)
2. Influencing EU legislation Commission - During the consultation phase on proposal (public consultation, contacting official) Engaging staff in Ireland including the European Semester Officers Council - Lobbying Civil Servants on Committees and Working Groups, relevant Minister and Taoiseach. 3. Parliament (MEPs) In Committee - Drafting – MEPs on the Committee (assistants, Rapporteur and Shadow Rapporteurs) - Voting - Committee members. In Plenary - Making Amendments –must be tabled by Political Group or 40 MEPs - Voting – Lobby all MEPs (Political Groups)