Welcome to Narellan Vale Public School’s Meet the Teacher for Stage 3 Our Assistant Principal/Stage Leader is Mrs Samantha Strahan Our team members include: 5C – Mrs Bronwyn Cook 5S – Mrs Michelle Skinner 5M – Mrs Tracie Moore 5/6H – Miss Zahraa Hamka 5/6S – Mrs Samantha Strahan 6W – Mrs Dana Williamson 6P – Mrs Amanda Perfect 6R – Mrs Donnah Robinson
Curriculum English: Reading and Viewing Writing and Representing Speaking and Listening Mathematics Class based, differentiated for learning Theme Geography – Man’s influence on environments – Antarctica focus CAPA Visual Arts (usually integrated into Theme) PE/Health/PD Safety, Relationships, Road Safety, class fitness, Stage 3 sport 10am Friday
Home Learning Read, Read, Read! Mathletics, Reading Eggspress – own pace HSIE (History and Geography) Science
Assemblies Whole School: Monday Mornings each week Monday afternoons 2:00-3:00pm (wk 3, 6, 9) Stage: Monday afternoons (wk 5 & 8)
Additional information School Counsellors: Cathy Kline (Tuesday and Thursday even weeks) and Nicole Kelly (Wednesday and Friday) LaST – Learning support – Mrs Leonie Jackson (Mon, Tues, Wed)
Positive Behaviour for Learning Important Dates For Your Calendar NAPLAN – 9th – 11th May Gala days – Term 2 ( 12th May, 2nd June, 23rd June) Term 3 ( 18th Aug, 15th Sept, 22nd Sept) Stage 3 Camp – to Narrabeen Sport & Rec ( 6th-8th Nov) Presentation Day – TBA Year 6 Graduation ceremony – Tues 12th Dec Year 6 Farewell- Tues 12th Dec @ Lakeside Year 6 Fun Day to beach – Wed 13th Dec Note detailing all end of year dates will go home at start of Term 3 PBL Positive Behaviour for Learning
Opportunities for Student Leadership: SRC – 2 elected representatives per class ECO team – 2 elected representatives per class Year 5 – Peer Mediator training (term 1) – ongoing throughout the year Year 6 – Prefects and Captains/ Vice, Sports Captains/Vice Elections for 2018 Prefects and Captains/ Vice will take place at the end of term 4
High School application process for Year 6 students Expression of Interest forms will go home this week. They will detail what your child’s local high school is as per our records of your address. If you are applying to go to your local high school, all that is required is a signature. If applying for another out-of-area high school, a valid reason must be given. We encourage you to seek out that school’s criteria for accepting out-of-area enrolments and write your reasons with this as a guide. If enrolling at a non-government school, sign the ’no placement required’ section. Mrs Strahan available if you need help completing the form.
What is PBL? (Positive Behaviour for Learning) PBL helps our school provide a safe, supportive environment to support the wellbeing of ALL students so that everyone can learn effectively.
Our school values are: * Safe * Respectful * Learners
Our school mascots are: Super Student Safe Sophie Respectful Ralph Learner Lexi
What does it mean to be Safe, Respectful Learners?
Reward System
Badges and Medallions When your child earns 3 Super Student Awards they will receive a special BADGE to wear! If your child earns 6 Super Student Awards they will receive a MEDALLION!
Token System
Discipline System + Behaviour Tracking Behaviour Slips Discipline System + Behaviour Tracking
The Reflection Room The Reflection Room, H10- 5/6H, will be used as a space for students to think about their behaviour. Students may need to fill out a form that includes reflection on good learner qualities. This sheet will go home to be signed and returned to school.
P&C Meetings – Wednesdays in weeks 2 and 7 of each term. Meetings begin at 7pm and are held in the staff room. P&C meetings are open to all members of the school and community to attend. P&C hold many fundraising events throughout the year, such as, Mother’s and Father’s day stalls, Art Calendars, sausage sizzles at some of our carnivals and more! The P&C are always looking for volunteers to assist. If you are interested please leave your contact details at the office. You can keep up to date with all P&C related matters through their Facebook page Narellan Vale Public School P&C.
Thank you for coming! We will now move off to classrooms for you to get to know your child’s class teacher and ask any questions