Welcome to Africa
Africa is the 2nd largest continent in the world. Asia is the first.
Africa is huge. Africa is about 4 times the size of the United States Africa is huge! Africa is about 4 times the size of the United States. Africa is connected to Asia near Egypt.
Facts about Africa Africa has a flag to represent each of their countries, just like we have a flag. Here are a few: South Africa Kenya Nambia
Countries in Africa also have a President, just like we have a President. President Jacob Zuma- South Africa President Barack Obama - USA
People of Africa There are about 750 million people living in Africa. (US – 314 miliion) Many of them are children like you! Children in Africa like to play and read…just like you!
Here are some of the books they read. They are all written in a language called Swahili. Swahili is one of the many languages spoken in Africa.
Look at these schools in Africa!
Children in Africa play like you do!