Build different types of questions and games ONLINE in Loquiz PRO EASY TO CREATE GAMES Build different types of questions and games ONLINE in Loquiz PRO
Clone, change and use these questions and games for different clients, events and locations!
SIMPLE TO FACILITATE Install FREE APP from Google Play Store/ App Store to smart devices Log in with specific event’s username and password. PLAY!
USE LOQUIZ TO... create new game concepts upgrade existing games reduce time spent on creating games reduce workload on running games
WORKS ON VARIETY OF DEVICES Android tablets and phones iPhone and iPad 3G recommended but not needed (in that case wifi connection is needed in the beginning and in the end of game) GPS needed for outdoor games
ROBUST & FOOLPROOF Works online real-time, but also copes with offline situations Team can continue game on another device in case needed If game is accidentally closed you can continue instantly
CREATE YOUR GAMES Build your own games not Loquiz games Customize content and location for client needs and invite clients to collaborate Share live game results and players scores with a link Use your own or client’s logos in the game
-Orienteering/ city code games FREEFLOW ROGAINE -Orienteering/ city code games -Photo hunts -Team trainings -„Get and avoid“ type of games -„On the road” games in bus
-Strategy games -City Tours -„Snakes & Ladders“
SCAVENGER HUNTS -Team task „stations“ -Rogain with separate starting points or routes for teams
CLUE GAME -Clue navigation games indoor -Clue navigation outdoor -Team task lists or photo hunts -Trivia
-Short test to wrap up trainings QUIZ -Simple trivia quiz -Short test to wrap up trainings
Live results
Team games on smart devices enable people to... solve tasks with the whole team and get to know more about each other in a fun way notice details in surroundings- indoor and outdoor get to know more about locations add physical activity to team training sessions or corporate gatherings make training sessions interactive and easy to sum up all with one device- no separate hassle with paper-pen, maps, gps, photo camera.
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