Diet, Exercise, Positive Attitude: What Makes a Healthy School? The Framework for an Academically Healthy School Presenters: Dr. Leary Adams, Mrs. Regina Adams, Dr. Beverly Mathis
Introduction “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt What is your dream for the education of children? Your dream will be your vision. Your vision will be what you expect. Your expectation will become your reality.
Overview “Keep your Eye on the CAP” Climate Achievement Participation
Climate "School climate can be a positive influence on the health of the learning environment or a significant barrier to learning." H.J. Freiberg
High Expectations Narrow achievement gaps Lead to postsecondary education options for students Prepare students to compete in today’s knowledge-based workplace
Stereotypes Conscious and Unconscious Socio-economic status Single parent households Gender Religion Race Culture/Language
Code of Conduct Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring A set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual or organization. Related concepts include ethical codes and honor codes. Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship Family
Character Education Variety of programs available Some create communities of students, teachers, and parents to foster respect and caring Curriculum education Integrate activities in English, math, and social studies Encompasses moral and ethical values Demonstrated in behavior, reasoning, and emotions
Relationships and Expectations Fundamental to success Partnerships Students Families Community
Achievement Twin Lakes Elementary School “The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein
Data Analysis Multiple Sources Grade level Formative Assessments Interim Assessments Tier II & Tier III Criterion - Referenced Test
Staff Development Focused “Teach what you Preach” Continuous School Improvement “Let Go to Grow” “Inspect what you Expect”
Standards-Based Curriculum Curriculum Mapping Clear Expectations for Teachers and Students Progress Monitoring and Assistance
Participation Kermit R. Booker, Sr. Empowerment Elementary School X
The Progression of Booker Changing Demographics 15
Superintendent Region The Framework for Kermit Roosevelt Booker Senior Empowerment Elementary School School Improve student achievement Create a safe, conducive learning environment Provide student services Comply with federal, state, and local laws Implement district and region initiatives Administration Support Communicate Monitor Evaluate Superintendent Region Set standards/initiatives Provide expertise Recommend policy Offer Support 16
School Improvement Planning 18
Time For Teachers to Work Together
Parental Involvement 20
Community Involvement 21
Community Involvement 22
Family Literacy Nights
Special Partnerships
Closing Empowerment is synonymous with… Teamwork Service To EACH Child Everyone Has A VOICE Doing Whatever It Takes To Improve the Lives of Our Children 26
Contacts Dr. Leary Adams Mrs. Regina Adams Dr. Beverly Mathis