Airport By: Nikhil .V
Pinecone The openings on the sides will allow the planes for my airport to go in and out like bees in a hive. My airport will have less openings.
Lotus leaves Water drips off this and no water remains on it. This can be used to collect and store water for later use.
Oysters These oysters filter water while they feed. An adult can filter 50 gallons a day.
Materials My tree house will be made out of magnesia core. It will be an alternative for gypsum drywall. It will be made from concrete. Water, decay, and bio-contamination resistant. Renewable, reusable, and recyclable.
Energy Just how leafs make food and energy by photosynthesis, my leaf shaped solar panels will supply energy my airports energy.
Waste I will put my renewable waste in a large version of these and put worms and fungi in them. It will turn to soil in a few days. The soil will be used for the garden to produce more food.The cycle will start again.
Credits Lotus leaves (page 3) Pinecone (page 2) Oysters (page 4) Leaf Solar Panels ( page 6) Compost bin ( page7 ) Info material ( page 5) Magnesia core ( page 5)