Supranational Cooperation European Union Supranational Cooperation
Geoterms Centrifugal Force: a force that divides people and countries. Centripetal Force: a force that unites people and countries. Common Market: a group of countries that acts as a single market, without trade barriers between member countries. Supranational Cooperation: a form of international cooperation in which countries give up some control of their affairs as they work together to achieve shared goals.
Centrifugal Forces in the EU Forces that divide things, or move them away from one another are called centrifugal forces. What are possible Centrifugal Forces facing the EU member? Historical Differences, Economic Differences, Government Differences, Cultural Differences.
Centrifugal Forces Cont. Historical Issues – World War I, World War II, Cold War Economic Forces – Western Europe countries are wealthier than Central or Eastern Europe. Wages are higher in west so business move east. Government Divides – Countries must give up power to the EU government. Countries give up independence in matters of defense and foreign affairs. Cultural Divides – European citizens? Cultural diversity, diverse languages, 450 million people in 25 countries, Illegal Food???
Centripetal Forces in the EU The forces that bring things together or unite them are centripetal forces. What are possible Centripetal Forces uniting the EU member? A lasting peace, Common Markets, Political Cooperation, European Cultural Identity.
Centripetal Forces Cont. A Lasting Peace – After two world wars and over 70 million dead Europeans wanted to make certain such horrors never happened again. May 9, 1950 French leader Robert Schuman made a famous speech bringing forward ideas that led to the EU. Economic Cooperation – Same currency, no tariffs, common market, powerful trade bloc, compete on global scale, job creation.
Centripetal Forces Cont. Political Cooperation – Focus on common issues like environment. Encourages Europeans to think of themselves as citizens of European, they can live and work in any EU country. Cultural Cooperation – “United in Diversity”, EU Passports, use of the Euro, Europe Day is May 9th, and a European Anthem.
Questions How does a common market unite Europe? How does the trading bloc unite Europe? How has the EU united Europe by promoting a common culture? How does increased travel unite Europe?
Question How do the differences between eastern and western nations divide the EU? Why do languages and cultures divide the EU? How is the EU similar to a neighborhood?