The Augustan Period & Johnsonian Period History, Art & Literature
The Augustan Period
The Augustan Period A term applied loosely to the literature and art of the Restoration and early 18th century. It denotes a period of literary excellence, and refers back to the heyday of classical writing during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus (27 BC-AD 14) and the stylistic achievements of the Latin poets of the golden age, Virgil, Horace and Ovid, whose writings were much admired and imitated by the authors of this later period of neoclassicism.
The Augustan Period Often confused with “The Augustan Age”, which was the time of the reign of Augustus Caesar in Roman History. ‘Augustan’ comes from King George I’s desire to be seen as Augustus Caesar.
History & Literature The literature of the 18th century is what "Augustan" most commonly refers to and is explicitly political in ways that few others are. Those who wrote poetry, novels, and plays were frequently either politically active or politically funded because the professional author was still not distinguishable from the hack-writer.
Satire, both in prose, drama & poetry, was the genre that attracted the most energetic and extensive writing. The satires produced during the Augustan period were occasionally gentle and non-specific commentaries on the comically flawed human condition, but they were most frequently specific critiques of specific policies, actions, and persons. History & Literature The period is considered to be an ‘Age of Scandal’ for it was an age when authors dealt specifically with the crimes and vices of their world.
Best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer. Author Alexander Pope Best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer. Key works include: 1711: An Essay on Criticism 1712: The Rape of the Lock 1728: The Dunciad
1722: A Journal of the Plague Year Author Daniel Defoe Writer, journalist & pamphleteer, known for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, helping to popularise the form in Britain and is among the founders of the English novel. Key works include: 1719: Robinson Crusoe 1722: A Journal of the Plague Year
Author Jonathan Swift Satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet and cleric who became Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin Key works include: 1725: Drapier’s Letters 1726: Gulliver’s Travels 1729: A Modest proposal
The Johnsonian Period
Author Samuel Johnson The man who the Johnsonian Period is named after. Often referred to as ‘Dr Johnson’. Was an author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet. The Johnsonian Period is mostly to do with Scottish writing and it comes from Samuel Johnson.