Welcome to English III with Mrs. Moore Course Description Handout
JOURNAL Please bring a spiral notebook next time to use as a Journal for this class. Expect 20 entries over the 9 weeks. This will be a test grade at the end of the nine weeks.
JOURNAL If you don’t have one today, get out a sheet of paper. If you do have one, write the following on the first page: Your name 1st nine weeks On the next page, write #1. Expect 20-25 entries over the 9 weeks. This will be a test grade at the end of the nine weeks. You need to bring your Journal to class EVERY day.
Journal Entry #1 Look at the next slide.
Road Trip/Travel Children’s Books Genre – Literary Text Sub Genre – Children’s books/Fiction Some will say that the purpose of children’s literature, simply, is to teach children lessons on life. Work in groups to read 1 children’s book. In your Journal (Journal Entry #1) describe what lesson(s) are expressed about life/traveling in the children’s book your group read. Write in complete sentences. Use examples from the book in a 50+ word response. Mrs. Moore will come around and give you credit on your Road Trip/Travel Genre Study Handout.
Journal Entry #2 Look at the next slide.
Road Trip/Travel Quotes Genre – Informational/Expository/Persuasive Sub Genre – Quotation The purpose of quotations is to succinctly say something about a topic. Select a quotation about road trips/travel. In your Journal, (Journal Entry #2) describe what lesson(s) are expressed about life/traveling in the quote. Write in complete sentences a 50+ word response. Include your opinion in your response as well. Mrs. Moore will come around and give you credit on your Road Trip/Travel Genre Study Handout.
Journal Entry #3 Write down the title of 3 books you might be interested in reading for your Outside Reading Project.
Journal Entry #4 Look at the next slide.
Road Trip/Travel Infographics Genre – Informational/Procedural Sub Genre – Infographic The purpose of an infographic is to present data/knowledge/information quickly and clearly. Select an infographic about road trips/travel. In your Journal, (Journal Entry #4) describe what information is being presented about life/traveling in the infographic. Write in complete sentences a 50+ word response. Mrs. Moore will come around and give you credit on your Road Trip/Travel Genre Study Handout.
Infographics http://www.mikesroadtrip.com/road-trip-infographic/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3184988/30-days-14-states-four-time-zones-Ultimate-road-trip-itinerary-takes-travellers-tourist-hotspots-New-York-City-Los-Angeles.html http://maphappy.org/2015/05/these-are-the-most-popular-routes-for-road-trips/ http://www.businessinsider.com/the-best-tourist-attraction-in-every-state-2015-4 http://www.visualistan.com/2015/10/20-ways-to-earn-while-traveling.html http://www.visualistan.com/2014/11/travel-done-right-tips-and-tricks-to-pack-efficiently.html http://www.entirelypets.com/traveling-with-dogs-for-dog-friendly-vacations.html?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=epptpost http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2985233/Infographic-reveals-popular-destinations-female-solo-travellers.html
Journal Entry #5 Look at the next slide.
Road Trip/Travel Editorial Genre – Informational/Persuasive Sub Genre – Editorial The purpose of an editorial is to express an opinion on a topic. Read the editorial: http://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/08/09/why-you-should-spend-your-money-on-experiences-not-things/#2e03a27f1c08 In your Journal, (Journal Entry #5) describe what opinion is presented about life/traveling in the editorial. Write in complete sentences. Use examples from the editorial in a 50+ word response. Mrs. Moore will come around and give you credit on your Road Trip/Travel Genre Study Handout.
Journal Entry #6 Look at the next slide.
Road Trip/Travel Podcast Genre – Auditory/Expository Sub Genre – Podcast The purpose of an podcast is to distribute information. Listen to the podcast “Engine Block Burritos”: http://www.npr.org/2016/08/07/488725658/engine-block-burritos-and-other-road-trip-tips-from-touring-musicians In your Journal, (Journal Entry #6) describe what is being presented about life/traveling in the podcast. Write in complete sentences. Use examples from the podcast in a 50+ word response. Mrs. Moore will come around and give you credit on your Road Trip/Travel Genre Study Handout.
Journal Entry #7 Look at the next slide.
Road Trip/Travel Song Lyrics Genre – Auditory/Literary Sub Genre – Song Lyrics The purpose of song lyrics, similar to poetry, is an emotive way to express ideas. Listen to/read song lyrics about road trips/travel. In your Journal, (Journal Entry #7) describe what is being presented about life/traveling in the song lyrics. Write in complete sentences. Use examples from the song lyrics in a 50+ word response. Mrs. Moore will come around and give you credit on your Road Trip/Travel Genre Study Handout.
Journal Entry #8 Write a half page…. Write about a time you lied or wanted to lie to get out of trouble. *Can’t think of one? Make it up.
Journal Entry #9 Crucible and Miller Background Notes
Journal Entry #10 The Crucible Anticipation Guide and Character Notes
Journal Entry #11 What do characters want in Act I of The Crucible?
Journal Entry #12 Act I Summary Summaries Include Beginning Middle End
Journal Entry #13
Journal Entry #14 Write a half page…. What do you predict? It’s been seven months since the affair ended between John Proctor and Abigail Williams. In the beginning of Act II, we will read some dialogue between Elizabeth and John Proctor discussing the state of their marriage. What do you predict? Will Elizabeth Proctor be “over it”?
Journal Entry #15 Irony – a contrast in expectations and reality Dramatic Irony – the audience/reader knows something that a character does not
Journal Entry #16 Allusion – an allusion is a reference to someone/something well known Allusions can be: Literary Biblical Mythological Historical Pop culture
Journal Entry #17 Conflict Review Chart
Journal Entry #18 Act II Summary Summaries Include Beginning Middle End John and Elizabeth discuss their marriage and the witchcraft trials.
Outside Reading: Your next book talk is on October 17/18
John and Elizabeth discuss their marriage and the witchcraft trials John and Elizabeth discuss their marriage and the witchcraft trials. Mary Warren comes to the Proctor’s house with a doll and information that Elizabeth Proctor has been mentioned as a witch. Hale arrives with questions about the Proctor’s Christian character. Prominent land owner wives are arrested and taken to jail.
Journal Entry #19 Act III Summary Summaries Include Beginning Middle End
Journal Entry #20 Write a half page…. It is easier to follow the group than to do what is right. *Examples? Theories? Stories?