Delegation methods in EMI


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Presentation transcript:

Delegation methods in EMI 19.05.2018 Delegation methods in EMI Aleksandr Konstantinov (University of Oslo)

Delegation methods in EMI Outline 19.05.2018 Definition Consumers Conclusions 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI 2

Delegation definition 19.05.2018 Full impersonation X.509 proxy – RFC 3820 Intermediaries are anonymous Acceptable by most EMI services Explicit delegation SAML token Trackable and limited Currently in use by UNICORE only 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI 3

Delegation methods in EMI Delegation consumers 19.05.2018 SRM (dCache and StoRM) Currently uses GSI Needs new delegation procedure due to GSI being dropped. Work in progress 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI 4

Delegation consumers (cont.) 19.05.2018 Execution services CREAM (gLite) GridSite WS interface – 2 steps X.509 delegation wrapped into SOAP UNICORE SAML A-REX (ARC) GridSite-like WS interface – same with last step merged with job submission 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI Delegation methods in EMI 5

Delegation consumers (cont.) 19.05.2018 Execution services Common Execution Service interface effort Includes delegation part Work in progress 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI Delegation methods in EMI 6

Delegation consumers (cont.) 19.05.2018 Delegation services GridSite from CESNET Is it service or interface? MyProxy Not EMI component but part of dependencies Own delegation protocol 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI Delegation methods in EMI 7

Conclusions 19.05.2018 There is work going on to achieve similar functionality in different fields Danger of duplication/triplication Effort is needed to have unified solution Or just give up and forget 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI Delegation methods in EMI 8

Delegation methods in EMI 19.05.2018 Thank you EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261611 22/11/2010 Delegation methods in EMI 9