Aim: How did the Oregon Trail develop under western expansion? Do Now: - Worksheet
History of Oregon Territory Claimed by Russia Spain Britain United States Russia and Spain give up claim Britain and U.S. joint occupation 1844 - President Polk – “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight” Compromise border at 49th parallel
First Americans in Oregon Mountain men Whitman missionaries Pioneers Fertile land
The Mormons Polygamy Brigham Young Moves Mormons to present-day Utah (then owned by Mexico) in 1844
In a covered wagon, pulled by oxen or horses! How did they get there? In a covered wagon, pulled by oxen or horses!
The Covered Wagon
A Tour of the Trail The most popular starting point for the trip was St. Louis. Here families were faced with many decisions. What should we take, what do we need to leave behind? Anything they took had to fit in the wagon.
What did they bring?
Homework Write a paragraph on whether you agree or disagree with Manifest Destiny. Define the term and back up your stance with at least three reasons (5-8 sentences). Due Monday.
Exit Slip How did the Oregon Trail develop during western expansion? (at least 4 sentences) Think about: - How U.S. gained Oregon - The first to move to Oregon - Life on the Trail
Oregon at Last ! Even though the journey was almost over, Barlow Road a treacherous stretch still lay ahead. This toll road was built as an alternative to navigating the Columbia River. Sarah Cummins (A traveler on the trail): "The traveling was slow and toilsome; slopes were almost impassible for man and beast. As night was coming on, it seemed we all must perish, but weak, faint and starving we went on. I could scarcely put one foot before the another. I weighed less than eighty pounds at the time. My own party had been 14 days with only nine biscuits and four small slices of bacon. "
Oregon Trail Began in Missouri 2,000 miles Plains and mountains 4-6 months Willamette Valley