Robinson Park Recreation Center Renovation December 12, 2016
Project Background Project Chronology: Robinson Park Master Plan approved October, 2002; Phase I Construction completed in 2010, including sports fields, sports field lighting and synthetic turf; Received $6M HUD Section 108 Loan for Phase II construction in February, 2013; Contracted with GKKworks for project design in March of 2014; Extensive community engagement effort began in April of 2014 which included use of project websites and social media and over 30 community meetings, community events and Robinson Park Steering Committee meetings to gather input; and City Council authorized Public Works to proceed with proposed floor plan and $11.4M project budget on February 23, 2015;
Project Background Contractor Selection Process: Competitive Bid process based on HUD Contracting Provisions Bidders may submit under HUD Section 3 Program requirements, or not, but not both; A HUD Section 3 Bidder is: (1) 51% owned by low-income residents, or 30% of its permanent full-time employees are low-income residents; or (2) Makes a written commitment to hire 30% aggregate new hires that are low-income residents or subcontract 25% of bid amount to qualified Section 3 Business Concerns Only HUD Section 3 Bidders are eligible for a preference (2% of bid amount) based on evaluation of their bid; Bid evaluation is based on the lowest Bid Price and determines whether the bid is Responsive, Responsible and Reasonable.
Project Background Project Details: Demolition and reconstruction of the Recreation Center’s approximately 9,000 square foot multipurpose room, administrative offices, kitchen, open court yard, restrooms and conference room; Approximately 4,900 square foot addition of fitness and dance rooms, storage and common areas; Structural upgrade of the Recreation Center’s existing 7,300 square foot gymnasium; and Fully accessible design including energy efficient lighting, technology and security upgrades and new drought tolerant landscaping.
Project Design
Recommendation Find that on October 28, 2002, the City Council approved the Robinson Park Master Plan and the Initial Study (IS) and Negative Declaration (ND) prepared for the Master Plan, that the scope of project construction has been reduced from that studied in the ND, but such changes do not constitute changed circumstances or new information which would trigger further environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Acknowledge the addendum to the Initial Study and Negative Declaration (adopted on October 28, 2002) prepared for the proposed Robinson Park project. The addendum found that the project was in substantial conformance with the environmental analysis that was conducted for the Robinson Park Master Plan as part of the adopted IS and ND and there are no changed circumstances or additional information which would require further review;
Recommendation (cont’d) Find that the activities proposed are categorically excluded under Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations at 24 CFR Part 58 from National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements; and Accept the bid dated November 18, 2016, submitted by AWI Builders Inc. in response to the Project Specifications for Robinson Park Recreation Center Renovation, and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract not to exceed $7,259,000 which includes the base contract amount of $6,599,000 and a contingency of $660,000 to provide for any necessary change orders.