Market Transformation Opportunities Perspectives on Statewide Lighting Market Transformation Program
CEESP Technology Advancement Continuum or Lighting Market Transformation (LMT) Pipeline
3 Key LMT Themes Integration across sectors and technologies Along the energy efficiency product development cycle Among the public and private actors that will make the strategy successful Innovation that takes our program strategies and actions beyond current technologies and delivery approaches Strengthen CA’s position as leader in advancing efficiency Collaboration among the individuals and organizations vital to ensuring effective integration and innovation Process must now draw in parties that help take us beyond traditional program approaches Local governments, public and private utilities, the financial community, educators, the energy efficiency trades manufacturers, and other state and federal agencies
CEESP DSM Coordination and Integration GOAL: Deliver integrated DSM options that include efficiency, demand response, energy management and self generation measures through coordinated marketing and regulatory integration 3 Levels of Integration Comprehensive & Co- ordinated Marketing Program Delivery Coordination Technology & Systems Integration
Huffman Bill (AB 1109) is achievable Requires high adoption of CFL/LED or other high-efficacy systems Higher-efficacy incandescent can help but only part of the way Building codes are only effective in the longer term
Implementation Timeline CEESP LMT Strategies Strategy Non-CPUC Partners Implementation Timeline Near-Term (2009-2011) Mid-Term (2012-2015) Long-Term (2016-2020) 1: Drive continual advances in lighting technology through research programs and design competitions CEC/PIER, Universities, DOE, Nat’l Labs, Utilities, Manuf., Retailers Work with research organizations to develop lighting products with lower energy requirements and improved spectral performance Work with utilities and retailers to develop public awareness and demand Ongoing 2: Create demand for improved lighting products through demonstration projects, marketing efforts, and utility Programs Utilities, Industry partners Deploy package of rebates, incentives and voluntary industry agreements to bring significant numbers of the best available lighting technologies to market. 3: Continuously strengthen standards CEC, DOE, EPA, Utilities Continuously incorporate most effective approaches and technologies into building codes and State/Federal equipment standards 4: Coordinated phase-out of utility incentives for technologies after widespread market acceptance Utilities, Retailers Ensure that big box and home improvement retailers are ready to stock affordable high-efficiency lighting products in California as IOUs phase them out of programs Utilities engage in negotiations with manufacturers and retailers to buy down prices and stock the next generation of high-efficiency lighting 5: Ensure sustainability and environmental safety of all lighting technologies CPUC, Utilities, Retailers, DOE, EPA, CA EPA, CA DTSC, AB1109, Lighting Task Force Establish minimum mercury content requirements for lamps included in utility programs Determine cost-effective convenient methods for collection and recycling of any end-of-life light bulbs Coordinate education and marketing programs to improve disposal habits
Proposed Statewide Lighting Market Transformation (LMT) Program with 3 Sub-Programs Lighting Technology Advancement - for rapidly introducing new tech and program strategies Lighting Education & Information - for all sectors for customers, designers & contractors Lighting Market Transformation - for identifying gaps in LMT strategies and create data-driven solutions
Preliminary List of LMT Technologies
Key LMT Issues Quality of Emerging Products & Systems Chicken & Egg Syndrome -- low volume & high costs Improved Process Over the “Valley of Death” -- R&D--ET--Demos--Market Incentives for Best-Practices vs Standard Sockets to Systems Integrated DSM -- Digital World & Renewables -- DC power
Lighting Market Transition Pipeline How do we accelerate movement of technologies from development to market? Necessary support from RD&D to market? DSM integration Strategies? Market push or pull? Key players and partners? ch
Questions on Market Transformation Opportunities How should the LMT Program be designed to introduce advanced lighting solutions and emerging technologies to the marketplace, improve current lighting programs and develop new strategies to advance the lighting market? Which measures should receive primary focus and prioritization?
Questions on Market Transformation Opportunities What should California’s lighting programs look like after the upcoming state and federal lighting standards take effect? What types of strategies are needed in the 2009 – 11 period to advance the CEESP goals?