Tissue: The Living Fabric Part D 4
Repair occurs in two major ways: Tissue Trauma Repair occurs in two major ways: Regeneration: replacement of dead cells Fibrosis: The growth of fibers (scar tissue) The type of repair that occurs depends upon the severity of the injury and the tissue that was damaged.
Causes inflammation, characterized by: Tissue Trauma Causes inflammation, characterized by: Dilation of blood vessels Increase in vessel permeability Redness, heat, swelling, and pain
Organization and restored blood supply Tissue Repair Organization and restored blood supply The blood clot is replaced with granulation tissue Granulation Tissue is delicate pink tissue that contains capillaries and other fibers. Figure 4.12a
Regeneration and fibrosis Tissue Repair Regeneration and fibrosis Surface epithelium regenerates and the scab detaches Fibrous tissue matures and begins to resemble the adjacent tissue Figure 4.12b
Results in a fully regenerated epithelium with underlying scar tissue Tissue Repair Results in a fully regenerated epithelium with underlying scar tissue Figure 4.12c