The Romans (600 BCE – 500 CE) Chapter 7 Notes
Lesson 1: The Rise of Rome The Land and Peoples of Italy: Rome was settled by the Latins, colonized by the Greeks, and then developed by the Etruscans. UNITY supported by the fact that there were no geographic barriers so most spoke same language & had same lifestyle. DEFENSE of Rome was easier due to the location of the city on several hills; giving a visual advantage for oncoming attacks. TRADE was facilitated by the Tiber River & Rome’s central location. **Around 800 BC outsiders settled in Italy – the groups that had the most significant affect on Italian culture were the GREEKS and ETRUSCANS. From the Greeks they took & adapted the alphabet; from the Etruscans they took the toga & cloak & ideas about military organization**
Roman Political Structure: 2 Roman Political Structure: 2. Early Rome was divided into two groups or orders of citizens – the ruling patricians, or wealthy landowners, and the plebeians, who paid taxes, served in the military, and voted. Males in BOTH orders were citizens, paid taxes, served in the military & could vote… BUT… only Patricians could be elected to governmental office. 3. Despite equality under the law for all male citizens, the Roman Republic did not become a democracy. Ultimately, what was decided by the patricians in the Senate was what occurred. Senate was very powerful during this time!
Roman Law: 5. Rome’s first code of laws was the Twelve Tables – it established and protected certain rights for all people & that led to a more sophisticated system of civil laws (laws that applied only to Roman citizens). 4. The Law of Nations were specific rules related to civil laws based on reason and covered those who were not citizens initially, ultimately these standards of justice applied to all people: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY; DEFENSE BEFORE A JUDGE WHO WEIGHED EVIDENCE BEFORE ARRIVING AT A VERDICT
Lesson 2: From Republic to Empire 6. Though aristocrats formed only a tiny minority of the Roman Republic, they came to control the senate and political offices 7. The 1st Triumvirate, which was formed by Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar, lasted until 47 BCE, when Caesar became dictator of Rome 11. Crassus was killed in battle in 53 BCE. So, then it was just Caesar and Pompey. Caesar gained a very strong, loyal army. Senate feared Caesar’s power and demanded he step down from power. Caesar’s army marched to Rome and began another civil war with Pompey. Pompey’s forces were defeated and Caesar became the dictator of Rome. ***Changes: felt republic needed a reform! Gave land to poor, increased the Senate size to 900, granted citizenship to new people, reformed the Roman Calendar
The 2nd Triumvirate and the Beginning of the Roman Empire 8. After Caesar’s “death,” his heir and grandnephew Octavian, Caesar’s ally and assistant Antony, and Caesar’s cavalry commander Lepidus, joined forces to create the 2nd Triumvirate 9. The 2nd Triumvirate ended when Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra, and the two fled to Egypt, where they committed suicide. 10. In 27 BCE, Octavian, who began known as Augustus, became the first Roman Emperor
Lesson 3: The Early Roman Empire 12. The Pax Romana was a period of “Roman Peace.” It began during the 2nd century CE and lasted about 100 years. It was a time of “5 good emperors” = Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius 13. Chief economic activities were trade and commerce, but agriculture/farming was the main occupation of the people and the foundation of Rome’s prosperity 14. Greco-Roman Culture! Romans made reproductions of Greek statues and used elements of Greek Architecture. Romans used curved architecture forms like the arch, dome, and vault. Romans also used concrete on a massive scale and engineered extensive roads and aqueducts 15. Romans conquered and captured many people in times of war and those people who opposed or revolted against them were brought back to the city of Rome as slaves.
The Fall of the Roman Empire Spoiler Alert! The Roman Empire falls around 500 CE. Next week, we will look at what occurred to bring about the end of the Roman Empire. But… How different would the world we live in today look if the Roman Empire was still around? – “What if the Roman Empire Reunited Today?”