paul dowling & andrew brown The divorce of schooling & research: towards a reconciliation in teacher education paul dowling & andrew brown school of culture language & communication, IoE
Schooling = cultural reproduction or production Education is concerned with both Production of new competences & performances Competence = performances institutionalised as discourse & skills
Principal institutionalised forms: Education is: Production of new competences = cultural reproduction Production of new performances = cultural production Principal institutionalised forms: Schooling in schools Research in the university
University is characterised by diachronising strategies Local control over curriculum Research is highest status activity Principal criterion = originality Constant pressure to produce new research performances University is characterised by diachronising strategies Impact depends upon interaction with other strategies
Natural sciences: Strong institutionalisation of key paradigms & problematics Implication in commercial activity ‘normal science’ & equilibration Strongly coded field & hierarchical knowledge structure Cumulative knowledge
Educational studies Weakly institutionalised practice No institutionalised resistance to diachronising strategies ‘fashion’ c.f. paradigm development Loosely connected discourse and little serious engagement Exchange of narratives Privileging of performance over competence Anomic field of dilettante diachronism
School: synchronising strategies Instructional discourse No local control over curriculum National curricula Public forms of assessment Inspections Recycling of textbooks International comparative studies (eg TIMSS) Regulative discourse Teachers must achieve & maintain authority in the classroom Any change to a successful routine is potentially risky (all teachers remember being out of control)
Structural resistance to research innovation in school Emphasis on reproduction of cultural competences in both instructional and regulative discourses Structural imperative to new research performances in the university Educational studies weak constraints of institutionalisation Weak facility to generate cumulative knowledge Atomised research performances
Implications of atomised research performances for schooling Too general to index practical action Too local to take into account the diverse condition under which action must be implemented Need: Drag on dilettante diachronising in the University Way through the conservative synchronising strategies of the school