International Qualification Services (IQS) The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta International Qualification Services (IQS)
APEGA 9,218 applications in 2014 7,841 in 2015 (decrease primarily domestic) ~ 5,800 applicants each year ~ 50% of applicants are internationally trained > 20% all registered engineers in Canada ~ 50% of all registered geoscientists in Canada Consider registration for 3.5 provinces Set Professional Practice Exam for 10 provinces
International Qualification Service (IQS) Mandate A single point of contact for information and guidance to Internationally Trained Applicants (ITA): Licensing system in Canada Alberta Licensure Requirements for Engineers and Geoscientists Articulating ITAs’ work experience in a relevant manner appropriate for the Board of Examiners Related support services (ISA) Over 77,000 members & applicants Receives 8,000 – 10,000 applications per year About 55% are Internationally Trained Applicants (ITAs) Both from within and outside of Canada About 30% of the licensing Board were ITA About 30% of Registration professional staff were ITA
IQS Functions – The How Provide support to ITAs : Webinars (offshore) Face to face presentations (Alberta) One-on-one contact (email, telephone, in-person) Help ITAs understand: Canadian engineering and geoscience licensing system The structure of engineering/technologist professions The various APEGA licenses and designations APEGA application process Deliver Licensure Seminars More than 60 information seminars across Alberta: Immigrant Serving Agencies APEGA Branches Permit Holders Libraries Community Colleges Universities APEGA offices
Feedback from ITAs “I got answers to all my questions!” “I now feel very confident in starting my application.” “Very thorough and informative!” “Thank you APEGA!” “While I may not agree with APEGA requirements, I now understand why APEGA asks for all those things.”
What are we hearing? Jurisdictional Licensure process has created confusion Economic Immigration vs APEGA Requirements Unemployed ITAs seek support for their licensure fees Application and Exam Fee subsidies ITAs seek recognition of Canadian volunteer experience ITAs (non-members) desire volunteering opportunities ITAs seek exposure to Canadian workplace environments Mentorship or internship type programs
What are we hearing? "Job Board" related services ITAs seek industry-specific resume review and interview preparation support ITAs desire exam preparation courses/support (NPPE, FE, other technical exams) Pre-Screen or Mid-Term reviews ITAs need specific guidance on experience articulation Too long required to process an application Engineering and Geoscience specific employment programs to help with job landing Employment services ITAs feel that long processing times could affect available employment opportunities as some employers may prefer APEGA registrants over non-APEGA members
APEGA is a Regulator APEGA’s role does not include employment services Regulatory functions sometimes conflict with service needs APEGA collaborates with partner organizations to facilitate employment and career services APEGA as a self-funded non-profit organization has limited ability to offer fee subsidies (all cost recovery)
Special Projects Philippines Project Refugee Applicants Favorable policy change impacted 376 applicants Formed a taskforce to contact each applicant Refugee Applicants Met with a number of refugee applicants to get a better understanding of their challenges Have been working with WES and APEGBC in facilitating an easier pathway for licensure World Education Service (WES) since January 2016 IQAS as a future add-on once the concept of an external academic agency has been fully verified.
Special Projects Competency Based Assessment Partly funded by an FQR grant Moves to assess competencies rather than time A higher assessment standard… …But permits credit for all work experience Alternative Academic Assessment A quantitative assessment of academic content Will permit more consistent treatment of foreign degrees Permits the establishment of firm boundaries
Enayat Aminzadah, International Qualification Services Manager 1-800-661-7020 or 780-426-3990 Ext. 2503 Other links of interest: APEGA Application Information: National Engineering Organization helps for internationally trained: