Persuasive Strategies Copyright 2006 IRA/NCTE. All rights reserved. materials may be reproduced for educational purposes. Images ©2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Claim or Thesis State the argument or viewpoint. Example: Vending machines in schools should only have healthy options.
Big Names Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing. Example: Former U.S. president Bill Clinton thinks that junk food should be taken out of vending machines.
Research Facts, numbers, and information add credibility and can be very convincing. Example: A Snickers bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That’s not very healthy.
Emotional Appeal Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument. Example: Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home.
Urgency Try to convince your audience that this issue is so important they must act now. Example: This is a one-time offer. You can’t get this price after today.
Bandwagon Convince your audience that everyone else is doing it and that they will be left out if they don’t. (Similar to peer pressure) Example: All the cool people wear ______________! (changes with fads) Don’t be left behind!
Convince your audience by greatly exaggerating your point or claim. Hyperbole Convince your audience by greatly exaggerating your point or claim. I’ve asked you a million times to do your chores!
Word Choice (diction) Convince your audience by using words that will influence their opinion of a topic. One fascinating hobby practiced by artistic people is to design an elegant symbol to represent themselves and then beautify city buildings with it.