All Because Of A Smile
She smiled at a sorrowful stranger. The smile seemed to make him feel better.
He remembered a friend who was very kind And wrote him a ‘Thank You’ letter in no time.
The friend was so happy with the ‘Thank You’ letter. The next day he left a large tip for the waiter.
The waiter, surprised at the amount of tip money Bet half the money on the big local lottery.
The next day he picked up his winnings from the lottery And gave a part to a beggar in real misery.
The beggar was grateful for this kind deed. For two days he had had nothing to eat.
After the beggar finished his food He left for home – a hut of wood.
He was thinking of his little cozy room. He didn’t know he might be facing his doom.
On the way he picked up a shivering puppy And carried him home to get warm and be happy.
The puppy was very grateful needless to say. He had found someone who could give him love and care.
That night the beggar’s house caught fire Due to a nearby burning tyre.
The puppy barked and barked to sound the alarm. He saved everyone in the village from harm.
One of the boys that he rescued safely Grew up to be a great man of history.
See what a simple smile can do. It brings hope – and happiness too. The End With Metta, Bro. Oh Teik Bin See what a simple smile can do. It brings hope – and happiness too.
A smile is quite a funny thing (Tune: Auld Lang Syne) A smile is quite a funny thing, It wrinkles up your face, And when it's gone you never find Its secret hiding place. But far more wonderful it is, To see what smiles can do. You smile at one, he smiles at you, And so one smile makes two. He smiles at someone, since you smile, And then that one smiles back, And that one smiles until, in truth, You fail in keeping track. And since a smile can do great good, By cheering hearts of care. Let's smile and not forget the fact That smiles go everywhere.