Warm-up 1.5 Write the absolute value and opposite of: -27 18 Evaluate when y = -5 Find the sum 7.2 + 3.5 5) 0.19 + 0.46 1.28 + 0.3 7) 5.17 + 8.82
Objective: Add integers Section 1.5 Objective: Add integers
Vocabulary Additive Inverse Additive Inverse Property Opposite of a number 7 its opposite is -7 Additive Inverse Property A number plus its opposite = 0 7 + (-7) = 0 a + (-a) = 0
Add on a Number Line Add a positive integer…move right Add a negative integer…move left Add a positive Add a negative 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Example 1 Use a number line to find the sum 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 3 + (-9) -5 + 3 = -6 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 = -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Rules for Adding Integers Same Sign Add absolute values and keep the sign 8 + 12 -6 + (-4) Different Signs Subtract the absolute values and keep the sign of the greater value 5 + (-8) -11 + 13 = 20 = -10 = -3 Answer is negative = 2 Answer is positive
Example 2 -54 + (-28) = -82 38 + (-17) -4 + (-72) + 61 = 21 -76 + 61 Same sign Add, keep sign = 21 Different signs Subtract, sign of larger Left to right Same sign Add, keep sign = -15 Different signs Subtract, sign of larger
Your Turn Find the sum -41 + 26 -19 + (-11) 52 + (-30) + (-46)
Example 3 = -22 + (-9) = -31 = -22 + 17 + (-12) = -5 + (-12) = -17 Evaluate the expression when x = -22 and y = -12 x + (-9) x + 17 + y = -22 + (-9) Same sign Add, keep sign = -31 = -22 + 17 + (-12) Left to right = -5 + (-12) Different signs Subtract, sign of larger = -17 Same sign Add, keep sign
Your Turn Evaluate the expression when a = -18 and b = -3 a + (-8) a + b + 30
Classwork Pre-Alg. 1.5 Find the sum 24 + (-16) -15 + 3 -11 + (-2) Evaluate the expression when x = -9 x + 3 -6 + x x + (-3)
11/12 Notebook set up Warm Ups Notes Classwork HW Problems 9/2 1.1 1.1 - 1.4 Quiz Review 1.1WB 1-26 even 9/7 1.2 1.2WB 1-28 all 9/13 1.3 1.3W (leaf) ALL 9/15 1.4 1.4 W #1,4 and 5-30 Pig W (2 sided) All workhseet (4 points) (1 points) (5 points)