Pupil Daily Notices Friday 29th September 2017
Hallowe’en Senior Dance The Hallowe’en Senior Dance will take place on Thursday 26th October. The dance will begin at 7pm with an 8pm curfew. The first 50 tickets will cost £5.50 and when these are gone the tickets will be £7.50. Tickets will be sold in the forum starting Monday (2nd October) by Mhairi Gunn and Ewan Robinson. Please note there is zero tolerance to alcohol and there will be a Police Officer on the door with a breathalyser test if you are suspected to be under the influence. There will be consequences if you are found to have been drinking.
30th Anniversary German Exchange! Hardenberg Gymnasium Dunoon Grammar Please hand in forms to Miss McKillop or Mrs Clark as soon as possible
TEMPEST PHOTOGRAPHS The last day for pupils to return their photo order forms to the office will be Monday (2nd October).
The Voice Kids 2018 Applications close on Sun 15th Oct 2017 Applications for our second series are now open and can be submitted via the following link: http://www.itv.com/thevoice kidsuk/apply They must be submitted by a parent/legal guardian. Applications close on Sun 15th Oct 2017
DGS Canteen The revalve cash machines now no longer accept the old £5 notes or the old £1 coin. We are no longer able to accept the old £5 note and as from the 1st October 2017 we will no longer be accepting any old £1 coins. Thanks Jacky
Fun Run Daily times Period 1 - 2 = normal procedures Period 3 = Lunch time Period 4 = register with your period 4 teacher Period 4&5 – Fun Run
Pupil procedures Register with period 4 teacher at 12:05 Report to the PE department at 12:10 Leave any belongings you wish in the PE dept Participate in the Fun Run Collect your belongings and register in the PE dept Report to the forum for the closing ceremony when you are told to do so.
Reminders Sponsors will be collected this week and next week at House time. Please ensure you support this great cause.
Breakfast Club Life Skills Room (next to the new Platform) Opening times: 8.15 – 8.40 am This club is open to everyone, does not cost anything and you do not need to stay for the full time. Monday - Thursday there will be cereals, fresh fruit, yoghurts and cereal bars. Friday there will be hot rolls (you must attend on a previous day to order your hot roll).
All year groups welcome! FRIDAY FILM CLUB! Friday Lunchtime 11.25 am Room E111 All year groups welcome! Bring your lunch! Ghostbusters (2016)
eXp Lunch Clubs Friday Girls' group in Mr Pearson's drama room Monday Sports club in the big games hall Tuesday d-group in E108 Wednesday MAD club in Mr Pearson's drama room Thursday Drama club in Mr Pearson's drama room Friday Girls' group in Mr Pearson's drama room
Strachur Piping School Strachur Piping School has started again for this season. It is in the Strachur Memorial Hall every FRIDAY night from 7–8pm. It is entirely free – all you need is a chanter. If you are unsure, come along and give it a try!
Baked Potatoes available today DGS Lunch Menu SOUPS Lentil Vegetable ‘GRAB AND GO’ SNACKS Assorted filled Paninis, Sandwiches, Rolls & Wraps. Sausage Rolls, Scotch Pies & Veggie Sausage Rolls. Hot Dogs, Pasta King & Salad Bar. No Baked Potatoes available today
FRIDAY CLUBS LUNCH TIME CLUBS Friday Film Club Volleyball Gymnastics Room E111 Gymnastics Gym 1 S4-6 Fitness Suite Volleyball Games Hall AFTER SCHOOL Fencing Gym 2
MONDAY CLUBS LUNCH TIME AFTER SCHOOL Star Wars Club MAD Sports Room E112 MAD Sports Games Hall S4-6 Fitness Suite Land Training Gym 2 Shinty 3G Pitch