Production: Product Costing Planning Basic data Costing Results Integration Quantity structure Cost estimate Version 3 Inventory Revaluation BOM Costing variants Valuation strategies Alternative Lot sizes Versions Version 2 Routing Version 1 Profitability analysis Cost of goods manufactured Value structure Cost elements Material master: prices + Controlling Analyses Comparisons Itemization Cost center: activity prices + CO object + Tables: overhead Error log Costing is the interface between the CO-Controlling and PP-Production Planning modules. You can configure costing in the configuration menu of both applications. Cost object controlling provides basic information for the following business-related functions: pricing and price policy cost of goods manufactured controlling material valuation profitability analysis The work centers establish the connection between cost center accounting and the production planning and control system. Course CO920 deals with configuration from the point of view of cost center accounting in more detail.
Technical Details CK CK_XX_(Currently, approx. 20) none Development class(es) Function group(s) Logical database(s) KALK KLVAR TCK03 Fix 1 = Unit costing 2 = Product costing Production planning, see foil 10- 5 Number range object(s) NR element NR group table NR group (s) Authorization class Authorization object(s) ECKALA (Costing run) ECKEKOE (Cost component header) Lock object(s) Change document object CKKA (Costing run) T Name Matchcode object (s) Matchcode IDs
Costing Table Structure KALA KALV KALD KALO CKHS KEKO FVMK COKA MBEW CKHT KEPH COSP CKIS COSS CKIT COSL KALF CMFK CMFP The individual tables contain the following data: FVMK Planning File for Releasing the Standard Cost Estimate in the Company Code KALA Costing Run: General Data/Control Parameters KALV Costing Run: Costing Variants KALD Costing Run: MRP Levels KALO Costing Run: Costing Objects (such as materials) KALF Costing run: Error Log Header CMFK Error Log: General Data CMFP Error Log: Messages KEKO Product Costing -Header Data KEPH Cost Components of Product Costing COKA CO Object: Control Data Cost Element COSP CO Object: Cost Totals - External Postings COSS CO Object: Cost Totals - Internal Postings COSL CO Object: Totals of Activity Types CKHS Unit Costing: Header Data (Control and Totals) CKHT Texts for Unit Costing Header CKIS Unit Costing/Itemization, Product Costing CKIT Item Texts
Example of the Use of Costing Variants Base object costing Modified cost est. Current cost est. Modified cost est. Inventory costing Start of plan period 1 Start of plan period Time axis New product Technical change Technical change ad hoc Inventory Start of plan periods of fiscal year Product costing is controlled via costing variants. Each costing variant can be used to carry out costing for at least one managerial purpose. Examples: Inventory costing which carries out tax-based or commercial valuation Inventory valuation Standard cost estimate Stock valuation Modified standard cost estimate Controlling: techn. changes Current cost estimate Controlling: ad hoc Job-order costing Controlling: orders The chronological progress of the individual costings is an experience value, but is not conclusive. Standard cost est. Standard cost est. Standard cost est.
Quantity and Value Methods in the Standard Costing Variants Quantity structure which is dependent on a cutoff date Actual price from the previous month (acc.2.1) Moving actual price Planned prices/Inventory price Physical inventory price Technical data related to a cutoff date Inventory costing Current technical data Standard cost estimate Target costing Depending on the costing variant, the system uses different valuation methods. You can set these in Customizing via Valuation variants and via a specific quantity structure determination for BOMs and routings. Current costing Prices Quantities
Customizing Costing: an Overview Assignment of cost component layout Costing variants Costing type Valuation variant Quantity structure determination Date control Relevancy to costing Order type Indicator for relevancy to costing Cost component layout Cost components Component group Updating manual costing components Cost fields
Costing Configuration Sequence Costing types Valuation variants Costing sheet for overhead Create cost component layout Control relevancy to costing Costing variants Control costing applications Quantity structure determination (quantities, dates)
Costing Variant Costing variant Costing type Valuation variant Unit costing allowed Reference object Update to material master Date control Valuation strategy Material Internal activities External activities Costing sheet Overhead The costing variant contains the control information for carrying out costing. The valuation variant contains the information for controlling valuation. The costing type contains further detailed information on costing control.
Material Valuation Strategies Base planning object Inventory Cost.var. Planned Actual Current Tax Trade Price 1 Standard price for previous period 2 Standard price 2 2 1 3 MAP 3 3 4 Planned price 1 1 1 5 Planned price 2 6 Planned price 3 7 Valuation price acc. to price control 1 8 Manual cost component split 9 Future planned price A C E Tax-based valuation price 1 In Customizing, you can specify in the valuation variant which price is used for a costing variant, and if there is more than one price, the order in which they are used. For each price, you can decide whether you want manually entered costs taken into consideration. B D F Trade-based valuation price 1
From Standard Value to Costs using the Performance Efficiency Rate Standard values of operation x Perf. eff. rate per activity type Conversion into seconds New standard value Formula from work center Effective execution time Costs x Activity price In order to reach the execution time from the standard values of an operation, various arithmetic operations must be carried out. First of all, the standard values are converted into seconds before being adjusted to the performance efficiency rate. This effective execution time is multiplied by the cost rate, and this will then give you the costs
+ = Overhead Costing Costing sheet Direct material costs Material overheads Direct material costs Cost of goods manufactured Administration overheads Sales overheads Total production costs Production overheads Direct production costs Costing sheet + = Material costs Manufacturing costs You can structure how overhead is calculated in the CO System as required by selecting costing sheets. A costing sheet can have a single or multi-level structure The costing sheet determines how the following are calculated: The cost of goods manufactured The cost of goods sold The standard system contains pre-defined overhead costing sheets.
Elements of the Costing Sheets Cost element Origin Basic for calculation Percentages Planned / actual Dependencies Order type Plant Company code Business area Overhead code Overhead Object Cost center Order Credit Calculation basis Cost element or group of cost elements used in connection with the origin Overhead You can define the overhead percentage rate according to the different fields, such as the plant, for planned and actual figures Credit Each overhead line in the costing sheet is assigned to a credit code. According to how this code is defined, the overhead amount is credited to a cost center or an order under a secondary cost element. Product costing needs the cost element to be able to apply overhead to a specific cost component.
Defining the Overhead Rates Use available costing sheets Step Description 1 Calculation bases Adapt 2 Overheads Adapt 3 Credits Adapt Create new costing sheets Step Description 1 Condition tables Define 2 Access sequences Define 3 Calculation bases Define 4 Overheads Create and assign dependencies 5 Overhead rates Define The standard system contains pre-defined overhead procedures. You can adapt the individual objects (cost elements, percentage rates, and so on) to meet your company's requirements.
Cost Component Allocation Active: Cost component layout 01 X Cost component 1 Raw material ... ... Cost component 3 Production ... Cost component 8 External activity Cost component 9 Other CofA From cost ele. Origin To cost ele. ES GJSAS 01 400000 ABC 410000 610000 612000 ELE 9 1 2 3 Direct costs can be grouped using any cost component layout (optional cost grouping). The costs are displayed according to the cost component layout.
Breakdown of Quantity Structure in Costing Quantity structure determination ID Costing variant BOM status Quantity structure determination ID Plant Breakdown of quantity structure Adjustment Application BOM Selection ID Routing CO object Order type Selection ID BOMs Priority BOM usage Routing application A quantity structure determination ID is stored in the costing variant. The quantity structure determination ID refers to the bill of material and the appropriate routing for control information. In addition, the order type of the CO object is determined. Alternative selection Alternative selection