Second Grade PALS Spring Data 2010-2013 English Language Arts (ELA) Office of Planning and Evaluation
PALS K Fall Passing Scores Impact of Pre-Kindergarten Instruction 2003-2013 We have been celebrating the story of prekindergarten as increasing students readiness School Board and the community has asked the question why these gains do not appear to be reflected in the third grade SOL scores Today we would like share Slide 2
Spring PALS – All Students Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 % Identified Below Benchmark Spring 2010-2013 12.6% 11.3% 7.2% Consider adding Prekindergarten 7 % below in K 12% below in 1 10% below in 2 Slide 3
Grade 2 Spring PALS – All Students % Identified Below Benchmark Spring 2010-2013 Slide 4
% Identified Below Benchmark Spring 2010 through Spring 2013 2nd Grade % Identified Below Benchmark Spring 2010 through Spring 2013 Green indicates the % of the second grade population; aqua indicates the percent of students of the identified group. For example, white students represent 55% of the population in grade 2 and of the 185 identified students 20% are white students. Slide 5
Summary Second Grade Fall K scores are holding steady at 95% achievement Over the past 4 years, an average of: 7.2% of APS K students were identified in spring; 11.3% of APS first grade students were identified 12.6 % of APS second grade students were identified Overall, spring pass rate in 2013 was 90% up from 2012 with a 87% pass rate Pass rates vary by student subgroups. Students identified as having a learning disability (SWD), economically disadvantaged (ED), Limited English Proficient (LEP), Hispanic, or Black are more frequently identified as needing additional support than those identified as White or Asian Pass rates vary by school
Summary 95% of second grade students are on or above a second grade instructional level, while 5% are below A relative weakness for all students is spelling; students mastery of long vowels is essential for second grade students to read and write
Next Steps Use the PALS and PALS Quick Check data to monitor progress and plan instruction Engage in professional learning around early literacy and specifically focus on the development of spelling features in reading and writing (long vowels) Encourage reading and classroom teachers to review resources on Blackboard and VDOE site on instructional strategies to develop concept of word
Spelling: What do students need to know and be able to do? Understand that long vowels may be represented by more than one vowel combination or spelling feature Identify the common spelling features for a, e, i, o, an u (aCe, ai, ay, ee, ea, ie, ow, oCe, oa, igh, iCe, y, uCe, ue) What do students need to be able to do? Recognize and spell with short and long common vowel patterns
Resources Use word study routines including writing sorts and word hunts Connect reading and word study lessons Review VDOE early literacy video segments Review the APS Elementary ELA Classroom Teachers Blackboard Community Site for word study routines