Hosea A Love Story
HOSEA Hosea was a prophet in the Northern Kingdom of Israel who prophesied before the Israelites were carried away captive by the Assyrians. At that time the Northern Kingdom of Israel had formed alliances with other nations, and many Israelites were practicing idolatry, including rituals that violated God’s law of chastity.
HOSEA The book of Hosea begins with the Lord giving Hosea an unusual command: Hosea 1:2–3 In what ways does marriage symbolize the covenant relationship between Jesus Christ and us?
The Lord will destroy Israel HOSEA Hosea 1:4–2:4 The Lord will destroy Israel No love Not my people
John and Gayle (Elder Poelman, "God's Love for Us," April 1982 General Conference John was a thoughtful, kind, young, and affectionate man. He sincerely tried to obey the Lord’s commandments and found honest contentment in the joys of family life. Gayle, his wife, was young, very attractive, but inclined toward more worldly interests and activities. In the early years of their marriage, John and Gayle were blessed with children, first a boy and then a girl; but Gayle seemed uninterested in her domestic responsibilities. She longed for glamour and excitement in her life and was frequently away from home at parties and entertainments, not always with her husband. In her vanity, Gayle encouraged and responded to the attentions of other men until eventually she was unfaithful to her marriage vows.
John and Gayle Throughout, John was patient and kind, but to no avail. (Elder Poelman, "God's Love for Us," April 1982 General Conference Throughout, John was patient and kind, but to no avail. Shortly after the birth of a third child, a son, Gayle deserted John and their children and joined her worldly friends in a life of self-indulgence and immorality. John, rejected, was humiliated and brokenhearted.
John and Gayle (Elder Poelman, "God's Love for Us," April 1982 General Conference Soon, however, her so-called friends tired of her and abandoned her. Then each successive step was downward, her life becoming more and more degraded. She felt completely unworthy of love.
John and Gayle (Elder Poelman, "God's Love for Us," April 1982 General Conference One day, walking through downtown streets, John recognized Gayle. She was completely broken. As he observed the effect of her recent life, a feeling of compassion came over him—a desire to reach out to her. Soon John realized that he still loved Gayle. Learning that Gayle had incurred substantial debts, John repaid them and then took her home. Out of his love grew a feeling of merciful forgiveness, a desire to help Gayle overcome her past and to… accept her again fully as his wife.
Hosea and Gomer Read Hosea 2:5. What did Gomer do after her marriage to Hosea? How can Hosea’s experience with Gomer help us understand how the Lord might feel when we break our covenants by sinning? Read the consequence of her unfaithfulness: Hosea 2:6 In what ways might the consequences of sin be a blessing to us? Read Hosea 2:14–15, 17, 19–20, 23, looking for what the Lord would eventually do. What do these actions teach you about the Lord? Read Hosea 3:1–3, looking for what the Lord commanded Hosea to do for Gomer. Read Hosea 13:9-10, 14:1,4 How does Gomer's story give us hope? What stories in the scriptures also teach of the Lord’s forgiveness and love? Have you experienced the Lord’s mercy and His love?
Who said it? “Marriage requires a high degree of tolerance ” President Gordon B. Hinckley
Marriage: A covenant symbol “There seems to be a superstition among many thousands of our young men and women who hold hands and smooch in the drive-ins that marriage is a cottage surrounded by perpetual happiness to which a perpetually young and handsome husband comes home to a perpetually young and beautiful wife. When the happiness withers and boredom and bills appear the divorce courts are jammed.” Gordon B. Hinckley, Quoting Jenkins Lloyd Jones, Ensign, Mar. 1997, 60
Marriage: A covenant symbol “Anyone who imagines that bliss in marriage is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. “The fact is most putts don’t drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride”. Gordon B. Hinckley, Quoting Jenkins Lloyd Jones, Ensign, Mar. 1997, 60 Webster’s dictionary (Tolerance): 1: capacity to endure pain or hardship 2: sympathy for beliefs or practices differing from one's own
Remember the importance of your marriage Below are tips for successful marriage by Elder Joe J. Christensen (April 1995 General Conference). With your partner, relate his marriage advice to maintaining a good relationship with the Lord. Remember the importance of your marriage Pray for the success of your marriage Listen Avoid “ceaseless pinpricking” (being critical) Keep your courtship alive (date) Be quick to say, “I’m sorry” Learn to live within your means Be a true partner with family responsibilities
HOSEA and Gomer "Sometimes people think that they have sinned so much the Lord will never accept them. They may even stop praying because they feel so unworthy. The story of Hosea teaches us the God will always love us; we can repent; he does want us back. "God is our father; he loves us; his love is infinite and unconditional. His sorrow is great when we disobey his commandments and break his laws. He cannot condone our transgressions, but he loves us and wants us to return to him. "I know of no greater inducement to repentance and reconciliation with our Father in Heaven than an awareness of his love for us personally and individually." (Elder Poelman, "God's Love for Us," p. 29)
Hosea A Love Story