Roade School Sports College Presentation For Roade School Sports College Presented by: Alyson Blackwell feb 2011
Stand out from the rest….
Objectives… To shout about all the improvements that have been made to Roade School Sports College! To increase admissions into the school, especially the Sixth Form, by promoting the areas in which the school excels.
Our listeners are keen to learn…. Over 93% of all young adults aged 15-21 listen to commercial radio every month Commercial radio reached 89% of all parents every month 91% of all adults in full time education listen to commercial radio every month Every month commercial radio reaches 92% of all young adults who are unemployed but seeking work ( aged 15-24 ) Source: RAJAR W409. Adults 15+. All Commercial Radio 4 week multiple week reach.
Tried & tested!
Local Newspaper Circulation Vs Heart Source: Rajar RSL Q1 10, Mediatel Circulation Figures Jul 09-Dec 09, Herald & Post data from Jicreg data as of 01.04.10
Radio can reach out to everyone Radio commercials are harder to avoid than other media Radio is ideal for reaching out to new customers They will hear the commercials regardless of whether they think they are in the market or not! Source: RAB
Your message stands alone In press it’s easier for competitors with bigger budgets to overshadow your advertising with bigger ads and sophisticated graphics. But on Heart 96.6 your commercial is heard in isolation - no one else can intrude on your time alone with the listener.
Airtime Explained ………
The Creative Our team of Creative writers, will devise a creative strategy specifically designed to meet your campaign needs and objectives. We will find out about your business, come up with a brilliant idea and then over–see the production of the commercials – all on your behalf, working with a team of producers and a host of voice–overs. Prices start from £350 + VAT per script, with discounts available for multiple script packages.
The above costs do not include VAT or Creative Production 12 week Airtime plan….. The above costs do not include VAT or Creative Production
The above costs do not include VAT or Creative Production 4 week Airtime plan….. The above costs do not include VAT or Creative Production
The above costs do not include VAT or Creative Production 1 week Airtime plan….. The above costs do not include VAT or Creative Production
Vodcasts and Podcasts A Vodcast would cost in the region of £4,000, which would typically include 1 day of filming, with a full crew followed by 2 days of editing. This would last 3 – 5 minutes, and feature people from different areas of the school talking about why Roade School is good for them, and would sit on the homepage of We can supply CD’s of the vodcast if required to distribute to all people enquiring Northampton College did a very successful vodcast with us …....
Investment Summary Airtime Creative Total Investment 12 week plan £11,718.60 £350 per script £12,068.60 4 week plan £4,443.80 £350 per script £4,793.80 1 week plan £1,341.05 £350 per script £1,691.05 Vodcast £4,000.00 Prices subject to VAT@ 20%
Let our advertisers tell you…. Somerset College: "Hi I'm Cheryl from Somerset College. We love radio advertising, loads of our students listen to Heart and we feel it really sort of encourages them to come along to all of our events." Cheryl, Somerset College. For the audio testimonial Cornwall College: “Advertising with Heart radio has been great for Cornwall College Saltash, we have seen a huge increase in footfall to our advice sessions this year, and a lot of that is down to people listening to Heart and hearing our message!” Zoe Cudmore (Plymouth) Churchdown Nursery: "We would like to express our sincere thanks to you and Heart for the very professional and competent manner in handling of our advertising for the opening day at our new nursery. The adverts were of a high standard and the customer service has been excellent. We would though, like to thank you personally for your guidance and confidence given to us as this was the first time we have advertised with a radio station." Ashley and Catherine Cole, Owners Upton Hall School (Secondary school): "We have been advertising on Heart for two years and have found it to be extremely effective in getting our brand out to parents in the Wirral throughout the year and positioning the school as the best girls school in the area. We have seen a 50% rise in attendance at our Open evenings and a significant increase in applications to the school, as a direct result of using the radio campaign. We have just signed up for another year on Heart and would highly recommend that anyone looking to reach parents and recruit new students use Heart" Cath Morrison, Upton Hall School
Who are our listeners?
Audience Data: Heart Northamptonshire Population: 553,000 Weekly Reach: 158,000 Weekly Reach: 29% Total Hours: 1,160,000 Average Hours: 7.3 Source: RAJAR Q3 2010 6 months. All results within station’s own TSA. All adults 15+. NB Profiles may not total 100 due to rounding.