Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research A member organisation of institutions that work with or have an interest in global health and health research Universities, university colleges, others Initiated in 2006, supported by The Norwegian Research Council
Aim The purpose of the Forum is to promote research and education of high quality with the aim of improving health and health services for marginalized population groups in low and middle-income countries. Statutes Web site -
Forum: The main objectives • To improve and strengthen the involvement of Norwegian research institutions in global health research and education • To contribute to increased international collaboration in global health research and training with special emphasis on strengthening the capacity of institutional partners in low- and middle-income countries • To improve funding for relevant and high-quality global health research by the Norwegian Government and other sources • To contribute to national and international processes and initiatives within global health and health research
Main arenas -Globvac conferences /conferences in global health -Website research overview -Improve collaboration global health research issues -Policies/ processes; inform, contribute Secretariate at Centre for International Health/ Board
Board 9 members: 4 universities 2 university colleges 1 other research institutions 2 independent
Challenges Sustainability – economic issues after 2018 Members? Relation to Norwegian Network for Global Health and other networks What makes your network unique, thus irreplaceable?
Vision To have networks that are useful and contribute to improved health in a global perspective
Important To continue the good work on Conferences for students/researchers Cooperation between researchers Experiences over ten years Not to make double work but double the effect Influence the new network
Meetings needed Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~Henry Ford