Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Team Tribune Week 19 Name_________________________#________ Parents Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1. Progress Report/ TTM Bench mark progress 2. Previous homework * Students self-correct * Please save shoe boxes and bring to school at the first of the year to be used as Valentine boxes in February. Together Everyone Achieves More! MVP Player of the Week Vincent Rasband is being recognized as our class MVP player because he is making tremendous strides in keeping calm, and not letting his frustrations get the best of him! Vincent continues to demonstrate improvement in daily preparation. Keep up the great work! I have reviewed my child’s progress report. ________________________________________________ Parent Signature Questions/Concerns:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Self Assessment Write (Y) yes, (A) Almost (N) for No ____1. I can recognize unit fractions. ____2. I can represent fractions as an area model, and /or as a set, and/or on a number line. ____3. I can create an interesting introduction to a biography. ____4. I can identify at least three people in our history, who have used words to make a positive difference! ________________________________ Think Through Math! Students use this valuable online tool daily in class. Students can access this program at home at anytime. Accessing this program, and extending time spent in this program can greatly improve math performance. Congratulations to our class math leaders, they are passing lessons, and quickly gaining proficient and /or highly proficient status!
Vocabulary Spelling Words ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 20 (Extension) Dear Family Member: This week our class will focus on the advances of science. We will discuss how science can sometimes be both helpful and harmful. Here are some activities you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing. Word Workout Words to Know: roots in related words In this activity, you and your child will match the list words with the sentences that contain related words. Then you will help your child rewrite the sentence using the list word instead of the underlined word. Spelling/Phonics: compound words Your child will match the first half of a compound word on this week’s spelling list correctly with the second half. You can also have fun coming up with crazy compound words together. Comprehension: persuasion Vocabulary Spelling Words