Mastering Self Management AAA – Krystal Miller Pikes Peak Community College Time, and so very little of it with many things required to be accomplished can be quite an over-whelming and daunting issue. So let’s begin with some of the challenges I’ve went through this semester
What to do, oh what to do, when there is just too much to do ?
You could stare and think about how your going to start getting it done. Much like you can think about all those steps you have to take to cross the finish line of a 13 mile long race, but if you don’t take the first step. You will never cross the finish line !
I used techniques from On Course I wrote everything down for the entire semester of what I needed to get done. I set phone reminders to do my work, or to study. I began finding that the rest of my life's activities started getting scheduled and organized; as though this new habit is formed in my personal behaviors. I started getting all A grades in my classes and felt I was doing the very thing I set out to do in college; be successful !
I’m going pretty good, I think I got this; class and college stuff I mean. I’m getting a handle and I’m good at scoring high grades. It’s as simple as following this planner right ???
WRONG ! We cannot tell the future, but we can make contingency plans.
Reality is things out of my planned future are about to occur Reality is things out of my planned future are about to occur. Things that are inevitable; such as obstacles between you and success !
My mother I’ve not seen in 3 years came to visit me a day before her birthday. I was overwhelmed with emotions wanting to skip class all together, but I knew this would make me feel self guilt, and require much make up work !
I taught my son Raiden algebra, electronics, and computer software programming languages on micro-controllers. He inevitably won this years 1st place STEM competition against 11 other school districts. The academics board awarded him a gold district coin which hasn’t been won by the school in over eight years of STEM competitions.
YAY … more school work I got to get behind on and caught up with. Plus I’m fighting the end of semester motivation demons. You know that part of you that wants it to just be over already. AND…………
MY DAUGHTER’s school calls, and states she won money as well as 1st place in her grades art competition. WHAT A PROUD AND HAPPY FATHER I AM, BUT WHAT A VERY SWAMPED STUDENT I AM GOING TO BE !
I did this by using the various strategies taught by On Course. I missed two scheduled class days the second half of my semester; and I stayed not only current, but ahead with all of my home work and quiz studies. I did this by using the various strategies taught by On Course.
I sacrificed my workout time; I sacrificed a few other leisure time blocks. When I felt the force of having to miss class, or miss a major family event; I prioritized class by credit value and difficulty. Math 050 not being accredited I felt I could do math at home. My AAA-On Course class, was the highest priority class being accredited and the emphasis on punctuation meant making the effort to never miss a day of class. I chose to miss days very strategically as to have least impact on grades. After all I wanted my face seen by the district staff and teachers TWICE with two separate first place winning children of mine. So I chose family time; this I felt was mental health and happiness time for me and my family. The result was I came back strong with my studies; I felt no pressure, but enjoyment to study. I bought my family and enjoyment time with hard school work, studies, and getting things done. By organizing everything I made the easy path, and then I walked it !
My future story. I see myself getting my Cisco certification for short term employment enhancement, and I see myself reading books I bought at home. To further my knowledge with the latest c# programming language libraries. Then finding a job working as a Cisco Networking Engineer while going to college part time. The aim is get a certification for short term quality pay but a job that allows down time for things such as college studies, and most Cisco Network Admins find allot of free time at work from my experience working in the IT field. In conclusion to my story is when I get to my PHD level I wont stop; the additional costs and years in college to ascertain the title Doctor will not matter. As I seek Doctor before my name; Education isn’t for bigger pay for me. College and university grad work is not for a degree to me; it is to acquire a level of respect; self gratitude and accomplishment, but also a testament that I’m in this for knowledge and to create something great for human beings. To create great things for human beings I must have great self liberation; meaning to be so educated I don’t need education, but instead rely on the greatest of all.. IMAGINATION combined with the college experience to materialize ideas !