EUPRO II LE15028 project Svatopluk Halada Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR
Programme EUPRO II EUPRO II LE15028 project managed and coordinated by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) ongoing in 2010 - 2017 tool for funding national infrastructure supporting international R&D cooperation of the Czech Republic increase participation of Czech organisations in multi- and bilateral programmes and other R&D cooperation activities support Czech representatives involved in governing bodies of international R&D programmes and relevant actions
LE 15028 project EUPRO II LE15028 project AIE CR - Branch contact organizations for international EUREKA and Eurostars programmes Investigator of the project: Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship CR (AIE CR) Project time: 2016 -2017 Main project goals and activities: administrative support to the Expert Advisory Body INTER- EUREKA, EUREKA and Eurostars of MEYS expert support to Czech EUREKA NPC national office of Czech EUREKA HLR
EUPRO II LE15028 project proactive approach to Czech applicants for international cooperation in research, development and innovation procedures and mechanisms for involving of Czech entities into international programmes EUREKA and Eurostars providing evaluation of results and impacts of EUREKA and Eurostars projects national database management of EUREKA and Eurostars projects preparation and publication of an overview “The Czech Republic in EUREKA 1985-2015“ preparation and publication of methodological manuals e.g. Funding rules in EUREKA member countries (EUREKA and Eurostars projects) public relations and promotion of EUREKA and Eurostars at domestic and foreign information workshops and seminars (mainly for SMEs), co-organising INNOVATION 2016 and INNOVATION 2017 events
Czech EUREKA national infrastructure Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) Governmental body responsible for international R&D co-operation and projects financing (incl. EUREKA and Eurostars) NPC office (administration of EUREKA agenda) Expert Advisory Body for INTER- EUREKA, EUREKA and Eurostars Group of 15 experts from industry and research field (appointed by Deputy Minister ) Assessment of submitted EUREKA project proposals and monitoring ongoing EUREKA and Eurostars projects Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic (AIE CR) Activities within EUPRO II LE 15028 project Support to Expert Advisory Body Functioning HLR Office Support to NPC Projects preparation consultancy EUREKA public relations and promotion activities Etc….
EUREKA and Eurostars projects results with Czech participation Individual projects Strength in generation (tradition, influence of functioning national co-financing since 1994) Cluster (sub)projects Lower projects participation (absence of relevant large companies, and mother company in abroad; but very good last results in EURIPIDES Cluster project) Eurostars projects Average in successful generation (weaker ability to write an international project, choosing wrong partner country, impact of providing centralised assessment, ....)
Czech project cooperation within EUREKA
Czech Republic in EUREKA and Eurostars projects (1993 – 2013) Individual Clusters Eurostars Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of projects 343 14 36 393 Total budget (Mio €) 150,2 13,8 15,4 179,3 Tech area: ICT (35%) ; IND (31%) ; ENV (17%) ; BIO (10%) ; ENE (5%) ; Other (2%)