Discovering Each Student’s Career Pathway Sara LeFils, MCPS - CTE
What is Career Pathways? Similar to dual enrollment for students in a CTE program FREE COLLEGE CREDIT! BENEFITS: A choice for a passion and profession early in life. Saving time = entering the workforce earlier Students better learn where your passion lies.
How does a student qualify? Complete 3 sequential courses in a CTE program Keep a “B” average in those courses Enroll at CF, SF, or CTAE as an A.S. or PSAV seeking-student Complete the end-of-course exam or attain industry certification
Credits Earned= 6 or more! Your Example: MTI: Automotive Service Technology A.S. Degree in Automotive Service Management Technology High School Opportunities College Course Credits Earned= 6 or more! Computing for Colleges & Careers or Intro to IT OST 1100 Introduction to Word 3 CREDITS (elective) Automotive Service Technology 1, 2, 3 AER 1081 Automotive Fundamentals NATEF or FLADA Industry Certifications Exempt student from taking EOC exam ASE Industry Certifications Give more college credits, based on specific certification 3 to 24 CREDITS At $105.10 per credit hour, you would save $630.60 and almost an entire semester of time!!
Credits Earned= 9 or more! Your Example: MTI: Automation and Production A.S. Degree in Engineering Technology High School Opportunities College Course Credits Earned= 9 or more! Computing for Colleges & Careers or Intro to IT OST 1100 Introduction to Word 3 CREDITS (elective) Automation & Production 1 & 2 EGS 1110 Engineering Graphics Automation & Production 3 ETD 2320C Computer-Aided Drafting MSSC Certified Production Technician ETI 1720C Industry Safety ETI 1117 Intro to Quality Control ETI 1411 Manufacturing Processes I ETI 1084 Survey of Electronics ETI 1511 Instrument Techniques Up to 15 CREDITS At $105.10 per credit hour, you would save $945.90 and almost an entire semester of time!!
Your Example: MTI: Business A. S Your Example: MTI: Business A.S. Degree in Business Management, Marketing and Administration High School Opportunities College Course Credits Earned= 15 Computing for Colleges & Careers OST 1100 Introduction to Word 3 CREDITS (elective) Business & Entrepreneurial Principles, Legal Aspects of Bus. CGS1100 Microcomputer Applications GEB1011 Introduction to Business 6 CREDITS Business Supervision 1 MNA 2141 Basic Leadership/Supervisory Skills* MOS Industry Certification or Word MOM Industry Certification CGS 1100 Microcomputer Applications Word Expert OST 2717 Microsoft Word At $105.10 per credit hour, you would save $1576.50 and MORE THAN an entire semester of time!!
Your Example: MTI: Legal Administrative Specialist A. S Your Example: MTI: Legal Administrative Specialist A.S. Degree in Office Administration, Legal Office Specialist High School Opportunities College Course Credits Earned= 12 Computing for Colleges & Careers OST 1100 Introduction to Word 3 CREDITS (elective) Business Software Applications, Administrative Office Technology CGS1100 Microcomputer Applications Legal Aspects of Business* OST2401 Office Administration ALS, Accredited Legal Secretary PLA 1103 Intro to Paralegal Field At $105.10 per credit hour, you would save $1261.20 and an entire semester of time!!
Credits Earned= 9 or more! Your Example: MTI: Technical Support Services A.S. Degree in Computer Information Technology High School Opportunities College Course Credits Earned= 9 or more! Computing for Colleges & Careers OST 1100 Introduction to Word 3 CREDITS (elective) Technical Support Services 1 & 2 CET 1171 Intro to Computer Technology Technical Support Services 3 CGS 1100 Microcomputer Applications MOS Industry Certification or Word MOM Industry Certification Excel Expert CGS2103 Spreadsheet Applications At $105.10 per credit hour, you would save $945.90 and almost an entire semester of time!!
Your Example: MTI: Building Construction A. S Your Example: MTI: Building Construction A.S. Degree in Building Construction Technology High School Opportunities College Course Credits Earned= 13! Computing for College & Careers or Intro to IT CGS 1000 Intro to College Computing & CGS1030 PC Basics 4 CREDITS (elective) Building Construction 1 & 2 BCN 1221C Construction Techniques I 5 CREDITS Building Construction 3 BCN 2222C Construction Techniques II NCCER008 Industry Certification Exempts student from taking EOC exam 13 CREDITS At $105.37 per credit hour, you would save $1369.81 and more than a full semester of time!!
YOUR Example: MTI: Culinary PSAV Certificate in Commercial Foods & Culinary Arts High School Opportunities Course Clocked Hours Earned Culinary Arts 1, 2, & 3 180 hours toward the 1,200 required for completion 180 clock hours At $3.84 per clock hour, a student saves $691.20 and 180 hours of time!!