Title of the project 2017 workshop 25/04 A0 poster - Ongoing Projects 2nd Workshop on Logistics Cloud - Digitalization, data sharing and trust enabling efficient and sustainable freight transport and logistics 2017 PROJECT LOGO Title of the project Project description, Targets & Partners Cases, expected impacts and interim major results (Major contributions/achievements and impacts of the project related to the CIDs scope) Collaboration opportunities (In this box, please include in which areas the project is collaborating with other projects and/or how you would be interested to collaborate with other running projects. Include how external organizations could be engaged with the project if expected)
Title of the project 2017 workshop 25/04 A0 poster - Finished Projects 2nd Workshop on Logistics Cloud - Digitalization, data sharing and trust enabling efficient and sustainable freight transport and logistics 2017 PROJECT LOGO Title of the project Project description, Targets & Partners Achievements & Impacts (Major contributions/achievements and impacts of the project related to the CIDs scope) Follow up & Lessons learnt (In this box, please include how project results are being exploited in terms of any of these aspects: Market, Policies and follow up actions (projects) building on project results). Include any expected further roll-out Lessons learnt during the project and challenges that should be addressed in the future in relation to the area of the CIDs)