Intro to “HBO” Roots in 1950’s management failures Introduce social science knowledge to business Draw from psychology, sociology, economics, biology, ethics, statistics and researh methods Focus on the “Human side of enterprise”
Course Requirements Possess “COB” computer notebook Acquire, read assigned textbook Show up, listen actively, take notes Complete all exams Become expert about some leader. Write a 10 page paper, give a 10 minute oral presentation Note class “latest scoop” web page!
Mintzberg’s managerial roles Management is an “agent of ownership” – managers act as the owner would if s/he choose to operate the enterprise Henry Mintzberg conducted pioneering work on what managers actually do:
Basis of Knowledge in HBO In any discipline, the methods for establishing knowledge are key In HBO, 3 common methods found Logic, and math modeling Case analysis Systematic empirical research Of the 3, the last – systematic, empirical research – provides the better information
Systematic empirical research Level of analysis – from atoms to universes Ecological fallacy Role of “As if” modeling Need for contrast/compare (*In Search of Excellence) Samples/Measures/Replication Representative Valid, independent of method Independent verification
“Good theory” TAPS Testable Accurate Predictive Simple
McShane/VonGlinow’s 5 anchors Multidisciplinary Systematic research Contingency modeling Multiple levels of analysis Open systems approach
What to do – short run Get access to textbook Read Chapters 1, 2 Come to class, pay attention, listen actively, take notes as appropriate Get bid in for leader presentation – be sure to include reference to biography