The Ultranet January 2010 1
Ultranet … the ultimate knowledge management framework for schools. Blueprint for Education and Early Childhood Development System Improvement, Partnerships with Parents & Communities, Workforce Reform School Policy Vision and Goals e5 Effective Schools Model 21 Century School Improvement Rural Education Framework Student Wellbeing IDAM Edumail CASES21 attendance and timetable Content Management Web 2.0 Discussion Forums Notification and Bulletins Wikis and Blogs Online learning & teaching Collaborative Learning Tracking student progress Assessment Student Data informs planning Reporting Learning Goals VELS VIT accredited PD Professional Portfolios PLT collaboration ePotential data to inform professional learning goals ICT Peer Coaching Digital Resources – FUSE, Connect, DigiLearn, Global Teacher eLearning Planning Already there are a significant number of ICT ‘solutions’ that each support teaching and learning. The Ultranet builds on these initiatives and processes which are in place in schools School based PD ICT Networks Region/Ultranet Coach PD NSSCF - $1250 per device BER – funds for building/ICT infrastructure DER – funds ICT resources Netbook Trial (1-to-1) Notebooks – teachers/principals Technical Support SIPS Edustar VicSmart Wireless Increased bandwidth Free Internet
The Ultranet is a student-centered electronic learning environment that supports high quality learning and teaching, connects teachers, students and parents and enables efficient knowledge transfer.
This virtual classroom will efficiently support the creation and sharing of high quality digital content and enable a more differentiated learning program to be delivered to all government school students.
What we know about the Ultranet
Home My Places My Timetable (2011) Notices Bastow Institute Landing page My Places My Timetable (2011) Notices Bastow Institute Customisable Home: Personalised home page for teachers There is a Home Page for all users. Home pages will be configured to suit the individual needs of the different users. Some applications will appear by default (Notices) A range of age-appropriate templates and themes will be available for students to select from. Users can customise the remainder of their Home Page by bringing in different applications.
eXpress Space Wall Portfolios – Learning/Professional For Teachers & Students ‘My Personal Space’ Wall Portfolios – Learning/Professional My Learning Contacts Learning Goals eXpress spaces are a personal space for all Ultranet Users. The landing page is similar to a Facebook or Myspace page. It has a varied range of spaces within it which can be configured to meet a range of needs. Users will be able to easily add pages and applications and also select from a range of templates and themes. A teacher’s eXpress space will, by default, include a portfolio, and a space for blogs. From a student’s eXpress page they can see a learning contacts portlet titled ‘My Learning Contacts’ which contains all of the learning contacts that a student has added or that have been automatically added (e.g. students from their class, teachers, and parents). They can also see a wall where the student’s friends, teachers or parents can post messages and a blog. Students can create journals or have discussions with teachers, students and parents via the Blog application. Students will also have tabbed pages for a Learning Portfolio and Learning Goals Students will have a large degree of flexibility in the look and feel of their eXpress space and the applications on their pages. .
Design Create, access and manage Design Spaces For Teachers ‘A Space for Professional Collaboration and Learning’ Create, access and manage Design Spaces Design Spaces are only available to teachers. Design Spaces are not viewable by students. These spaces provide flexible spaces where teachers can interact with other teachers to design/plan curriculum and learning activities before they are released to students in the Collaborative Learning Spaces. Teachers can also have shared discussions about resources, research, problems of practice etc On the Design Spaces home page a teacher will have the ‘My Design Spaces’ and the ‘Manage Design Spaces’ applications. These spaces have the same functionality as other portal spaces, especially the Collaborative Learning Spaces, however they are not shared with students. . Teachers will be able to interact with other teachers from within their school or across government schools within these spaces, increasing teachers collegiate support.
Collaborative Learning Teachers & Students ‘A Space for Student Collaboration and Learning’ Create, access and manage Collaborative Learning Spaces Teachers can set up Collaborative Learning spaces and within each space they can set up multiple pages. Within a given learning space they are able to design varied learning activities and incorporate one or more Web 2.0 tools. Each space will contain one or more collaborative learning activities that the teacher has set up for a group of students. The students may be a whole class, a group within a class, students across classes within a school or students in classes across a number of schools.
Communities Web 2.0 ‘A Space for My School’s Communities’ Create, access and manage Community Spaces, eg My Home Room, My School Community Communities is another set of social collaboration spaces that can be used by both teachers and students. In the communities space, teachers can create and communicate with groups that share a common purpose. It should be noted that all communities must be moderated by at least one teacher. This space can be used to set up communities for the following: school administration ie: curriculum committee, student clubs, school council, planning committees etc extra-curricular activities ie: sporting clubs, chess club etc. Parent Associations etc
Content Access to the internet FUSE Digital Library for the ULTRANET Search Resources Access to the internet FUSE Digital Library for the ULTRANET Connect LINK from global navigation School content The Ultranet will be a one-stop-shop for content. For the first time content will be in one place, and teachers will not need to go to numerous places in search of digital learning resources. Teachers and students will be able to search for quality assured curriculum resources from within the Ultranet. Teachers and students can search a combination of their school content and tap into system content which is available in FUSE like Connect, Digilearn resources and resources being developed by a range of cultural organisations. FUSE content will be continuously updated and extended. Over time exemplar teacher-created resources will go through a quality assurance process and be made available to all schools. All curriculum resources that are produced within a school will be searchable and available to all other teachers within the school. All users can access their own personal content, school-endorsed content and system content
Email Ultranet Mail account for every student Link to Edumail for teachers Every student will be have an Ultranet Mail account
Learner Profile Progress Attendance Timetable Learning Tasks Reports Student information Progress Attendance Timetable Learning Tasks Reports Feedback & Observation The Learner Profile introduces some of the most powerful benefits of the Ultranet. A detailed picture of the strengths, weaknesses, goals and entire learning history of each student will be available to the teacher. The learner profile gives the teacher access to personalised information about each student in their care. This includes: Progress Attendance Timetable Learning tasks Reports The Learner Profile provides readily accessible and up-to-date information about each student to inform personalised curriculum planning and discussion. Teachers can also see basic information about other teachers including their classes and timetable.
Learning Tasks Data-based Links to VELS Digital Resources Planning Delivery Assessment Data-based Links to VELS Digital Resources Design Assessment Tasks Allocate Learning Tasks Assess against standards Provide feedback This functionality is delivered by the Oracle Student Learning (OSL) product. The Ultranet will have a newer version of OSL so some functionality will change slightly. Learning Tasks will enable teachers to plan and deliver curriculum online and to assess and monitor student progress against curriculum standards. Links can be made within it to collaborative learning tasks which have been set up by the teacher in the collaborative learning spaces. Teachers will be able to team teach within and across schools. Within the functionality provided through Learning Tasks, teachers will be able to: Carry out curriculum planning and development within and across schools Easily link to VELS/curriculum frameworks Embed digital learning resources Allocate learning tasks Assess against standards Provide feedback
School Resource Centre (Sharepoint) A School Resource Centre has been set up to provide members of the Principal class with up to date information about the Ultranet. Access was granted to all members of the principal classat the end of 2009, but other members of staff can be added at your request. Please contact Gemma McAlinden or Nina Fromhold. In the coming months a new site will be made available for all users and this site will be updated regularly. School Resource Centre (Sharepoint)
Ultranet Readiness Guide (Getting Ready, Set, Go) Outlines what schools can do to prepare for the Ultranet – available in A3 and A4 Outlines what schools can do to prepare for the Ultranet – available in A3 and A4 Critical readiness activities are listed in ‘Getting ready, Top 5 things to do to prepare for the Ultranet’ More things to consider are listed in ‘Set, What else needs to be considered?’ The final section lists things to do once the Ultranet has been deployed in your school so that your community and parents are ready when they have access in term 4.
1. Benefits of the Ultranet Ultranet Functionality A presentation illustrating the functionality of the Ultranet and how it can be used in a school setting. It includes delivery notes for each slide. A presentation illustrating the functionality of the Ultranet and how it can be used in a school setting. It includes delivery notes for each slide.
AIP Sample Actions and Milestones 2. Linking to AIP AIP Sample Actions and Milestones Sample goals for AIP. These goals should be adapted to the individual school setting. Sample goals for AIP. These goals should be adapted to the individual school setting.
Teacher and Principal Performance Plans 2. Linking to AIP Teacher and Principal Performance Plans Links to Performance Planning for Principals and Teachers. Links to Performance Planning for Principals and Teachers. Ultranet should be considered in these plans.
School ICT Progression Strategy 3. Review Infrastructure School ICT Progression Strategy Planning for the development of school-based ICT infrastructure. SIPS (School ICT Progression Strategy) needs to be completed by the principal and the school technician.This document addresses planning for the development of school-based ICT infrastructure.
eLearning Planning Showcase 3. Review Infrastructure eLearning Planning Showcase One-stop shop for eLearning planning materials. One-stop shop for eLearning planning materials. Sample plans and proformas are available at this site.
eLearning Planning Vision eLearning Leadership 3. Elements of eLearning Planning eLearning Planning Vision eLearning Leadership Learning Teaching Assessment and Reporting ICT Professional Learning Learning Places and Spaces Learning Communities Vision, eLearning Leadership, Learning Teaching Assessment and Reporting, ICT Professional Learning, Learning Places and Spaces and Learning Communities need to be addressed in school planning proceses The matrix displayed above is helpful in allowing school teams to identify current and target practice in all elements of ICT.
Getting your school data ready for the Ultranet 4. CASES 21 Data ready Getting your school data ready for the Ultranet Outlines the key steps your school can take to get your data ready for the Ultranet The ‘Getting your school data ready for the Ultranet’ outlines the key steps necessary to prepare data for the introduction of the Ultranet. Of particular importance is the necessity for CASES data to be entered consistently across the school.
Ultranet Implementation Planning 5. Deployment, Implementation and Professional Learning Ultranet Implementation Planning A document that outlines the key people and dates for school leadership teams to consider when planning for Ultranet implementation. This document outlines the key people and dates for school leadership teams to consider when planning for Ultranet implementation. Schools will need to nominate Lead Users who will be trained and supported by Ultranet Coaches to lead implementation. School-based administrators are also needed oversee set-up and ongoing administrative tasks. These tasks will be kept to a minimum by a number of automated process which are being set up in the Ultranet. Eg IDAM administrator oversees the generation of one-time passwords for initial Ultranet access. Requests for new passwords will be automated.
Ultranet Lead Users Up to 100 2 101 - 400 3 401 - 1000 4 Over 1000 5 Schools are asked to nominate Lead Users. It is expected that the Principal will be a Lead User. Ultranet Coaches will train the Lead Users when the Ultranet is deployed to the school. Lead Users will then be responsible for providing professional learning for school based staff. Lead Users will work in collaboration with Ultranet Coaches to provide ongoing professional learning to ensure the Ultranet is fully integrated. The number of Lead Users is based on school size. When selecting Lead Users principals should consider staff members who are: Skilled classroom teachers; Excellent communicators and positive role models; Confident to coach and support staff; and Willing to use ICT to improve learning and teaching. Note: The Lead User role does not require any technical expertise. 5. Implementation Ultranet Lead Users Campus Size Lead Users Up to 100 2 101 - 400 3 401 - 1000 4 Over 1000 5 In delivering professional learning a range of methods must be used to ensure all users are accommodated. Lead Users will be supported with materials developed by Central Office and the Ultranet Coaches for use in schools. The professional learning program will be related to and support teachers core work. It will highlight the key features and benefits of the Ultranet, encourage effective Learning and Teaching, and provide real case scenarios. The processes in the training should be easily embedded into classroom practice immediately following professional learning sessions. The Lead Users will assess the particular needs of staff at their schools and support staff using ICT. To support the change process, Lead Users will need to determine appropriate starting points for staff. Professional Learning in the Ultranet will need to be ongoing so that staff can update their skills in specific areas and new staff can receive support in a timely fashion.
With thanks to Jane Carr In a traditional classroom students have access to information principally from their teacher and the school library. Occasionally this is supplemented by excursions, and visits by experts or members of the school community. With thanks to Jane Carr
With thanks to Jane Carr In a connected, Ultranet enabled classroom students and teachers have access to information from a huge range of primary and secondary sources and they can share this information quickly and easily.
This Mind Map has begun to outline some of the ways in which Ultranet Spaces can be used but is by no means a comprehensive list. It outlines some possible starting points or ‘Quick Wins’ Please add your ideas…
If a school is to be ready for the Ultranet, Leadership Teams need to:
Understand the benefits of the Ultranet Link the Ultranet to school strategic planning Review School Infrastructure Ensure CASES Data is ready Consider deployment, implementation and professional learning in 2010 planning This summarises the first section of Ready Set Go document and gives a list of the things leadership teams should be considering before Ultranet implementation.
If a teacher or team of teachers are to use the Ultranet to plan, deliver and assess contemporary learning that improves outcomes for students, then teachers will need to:
Be aware of Ultranet functionality Use digital resources to support learning and teaching Plan collaboratively Develop a shared view of 21st Century learning Use ICT to support assessment Use student portfolios when reporting to parents For teachers to use the Ultranet effectively when it arrives they need to: Be aware of Ultranet functionality, Use digital resources to support learning and teaching, Plan collaboratively, Develop a shared view of 21st Century learning, Use ICT to support assessment and Use student portfolios when reporting to parents.
What makes learning great… Eccentricity Making Something Having an audience Delight Passion Collaboration Progress and esteem Most popular answers from ULTRALAB survey of 1000 adult and child learners. - Stephen Heppell ‘Great learning’ is already taking place in Victorian schools and the Ultranet is a vehicle for promoting and sharing this across the system. Stephen Heppel surveyed adult and child learners and compiled this list of what makes learning great.
"This isn't the time to use technology to refine the model we had before; this is a time to harness technology to let children go as far and as fast as they want." --Stephen Heppel