Grid Projects in Sicily Roberto Barbera Università di Catania and INFN Corso di Grid Computing Catania, 12.03.2007
Outline Objectives of the Grid Projects in Sicily TriGrid VL PI2S2 The Project The Partners The Activities (and their current status) PI2S2 Relationship between TriGrid and PI2S2 Summary and conclusions Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Objectives of the Grid Projects in Sicily Create a “collaboratory” in Sicily, both for scientific and industrial applications, built on top of a grid infrastructure Connect the Sicilian e-Infrastructure to those already existing in Italy, in Europe, and in the rest of the world improving the scientific collaboration and increasing the “competitiveness” of e-Science and e-Industry “made in Sicily” Disseminate the “grid paradigm” through the organization of dedicated events and training courses Trigger/foster the creation of spin-offs in the ICT area in order to reduce the “brain drain” of brilliant young people to other parts of Italy and beyond Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid VL Project at a glance Full name: Trinacria Grid Virtual Laboratory Code name: TriGrid (pronounce it tree-grid) Financed by Department of Industry of Regione Siciliana within the call 3.15 of the POR (Programma Operativo Regionale) 2000-2006 Start date: 8 November 2005 Duration: 2 years Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
TriGrid Project’s Budget Total budget: € 3,770,200 (€ 2,993,100 from the Regione Siciliana and € 777,100 from partners) Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid Partners Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid Activities (Work Packages) List of TriGrid VL Activities WP1 Design, set-up, and management of the grid infrastructure WP2 Collection of requirements, tests of grid middleware and access to resources and to data (Middleware developments) WP3 Dissemination and Training WP4 Applications’ porting and users’ support Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid Grid Infrastructure (http://gridice. ct. trigrid INFNCT INAF-OACT DIFTER-UNIPA ING-UNIME CECUM SEASOFT Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Photo Gallery CECUM Messina INFN Catania Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Computing and Storage Resources 288 cores AMD Opteron 280 400 GB of memory LSF 6.1 HPC everywhere Infiniband-1X at INAF-OACT and CECUM gLite v3.0 middleware everywhere ! 57 TB of raw disk storage FC-2-SATA Distributed/parallel GPFS filesystem Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Automatic Site Functional Tests (GStat) (http://goc. grid. sinica. edu Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid Real Time Monitor (1/2) Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid Real Time Monitor (2/2) Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Job Statistics 170000+ jobs in less 6 months ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Current Activities in WP2 Development of methods for grid advance reservation/allocation and access to data and computing resources Job description semantics and translation to/from different languages (JDL ↔ JSDL) Storage Accounting in a grid environment GFAL Java APIs Web interfaces to grid metadata catalogues (Java and PHP) Secure data storage in a grid environment Porting of grid middleware (gLite) on Windows Submission portal “à la SUN Grid” based on GENIUS Creation of a grid-security-enabled license server for commercial software Integration of LCG and gLite WMS with MPICH-2 Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Porting of gLite on Windows First prototype of a GUI for Windows available. new users can use the grid ! Windows applications can run on the grid ! First Windows site available on GILDA. Soon on TriGrid. Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The Project Web Portal ( Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
TriGrid Training Statistics More than 220 participants · days delivered so far ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Use of ConferenceXP for Grid Training Specific venues and virtual rooms for TriGrid VL available at Catania Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid AUP Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid Virtual Organization (https://voms. ct. infn 69 Users already registered in the TriGrid Virtual Organization ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The TriGrid User’s Support System ( Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
38 questionnaires received in 6 weeks ! The Questionnaire for New Applications ( 38 questionnaires received in 6 weeks ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
(Some of) The Applications of TriGrid VL Astrophysics Virtual Observatory 3D Visualization The GAIA Mission Biomedicine Analysis and classification of medical images (mammograms, etc.) Montecarlo applications in radiotherapy High Energy Physics Data analysis of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Experiments Theoretical Physics Engineering Cultural heritage Analysis and monitoring of environmental risks Technologies of production Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
ALICE @ TriGrid Statistics of the last few days Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The PI2S2 Project ( Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 26
The COMETA Consortium ( Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 27
~300 FTEs (2/3 new hired people) The PI2S2 e-Infrastructure 1500+ CPUs 250+ TB of storage ~11,5 M€ (01/01/2006-31/12/2008) ~300 FTEs (2/3 new hired people) Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 28
PI2S2 Project’s Budget Total budget: € 11,338,250 (€ 8,503,687 from MIUR and € 2,834,563 from Consorzio COME-TA) Padova, V Workshop INFN Grid, 18.12.2006 Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 29
The PI2S2 Activities Work Packages WP1 Design and creation of a GRID infrastructure WP2 Middleware integration with design and development of test procedures WP3 Hardware and software platforms for dissemination and training WP4 Development and integration of applications in the GRID Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 30
First tender for infrastructure completed! (Delivery expected in March 2007) INFN-CT (expansion w.r.t. TriGrid) UNI-ME UNI-PA Padova, V Workshop INFN Grid, 18.12.2006 Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 31
Computing, Networking, and Storage (1/2) 8 IBM BladeCenter H enclosures 84 IBM LS21 “blades” 336 cores AMD Opteron 2218 rev. F 772 GB of RAM (2 GB/core) 0.55 MSpecInt2000 0.66 MSpecFP2000 More than 6 kSpec(Int/FP)Rate ~ 48.8 mW/SpecInt2000 at full load ! G-Ethernet service network CISCO Topspin Infiniband-4X additional low-latency network for HPC applications LSF 6.1 HPC included ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Computing, Networking, and Storage (3/3) 4 IBM DS4200 Storage Systems (sites 1, 2, 3, and 6) FC-2-SATA technology 136 500-GB disks 68 TB of storage (raw) in total Expandability up to 0.45 PB GPFS distributed/parallel file sytem included ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The INFN CA and the COMETA RA’s Authentication in PI2S2 Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The COMETA AUP ( Usage policies in PI2S2 Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
64 users already registered ! The “cometa” Virtual Organization ( Authorization in PI2S2 64 users already registered ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
The PI2S2 User Interface on VM ( Already usable on the TriGrid VL e-Infrastructure Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
33 questionnaires filled so far The PI2S2 Application Questionnaire ( 33 questionnaires filled so far Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Statistics of Application Questionnaires Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Industrial Applications Applications already proposed Industrial Applications IR&T engineering Cultural heritage Numidia srl Fluid dynamic simulation in car engines Chemical, thermo dynamic, electromagnetic simulations SCIRE – FIAT auto Simulation of aerodynamics problems Fluid dynamics optimization Italcompany e Microsol Using the Fluent software tool in the grid Seasoft Document management and workflow Inquadro srl Software performance analysis Grid for multimedia streaming Hitec2000 srl Simulation of critical working conditions Act. Areas of interest 4.5 Engineering 4.6 Physics and astrophysics 4.7 Earth science 4.8 Bio-Informatics 4.9 Chemistry Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007 40
Relationships with Private Companies Official agreement signed with ORACLE for the S-Sicilia Project aiming at set-up a Competence Centre in Sicily for accounting on the grid in collaboration with the Consorzio COMETA and a University of Messina spin-off SME. Agreement finalized with MICROSOFT: for the porting of gLite on Windows including the integration of MS CCS 2003 as LRMS; for the adoption of Conference-XP as a platform to be used for/during grid training. Other agreements are foreseen in the next future with Ferrari, FIAT, and Technipetrol. Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Relationships between Projects A Memorandum of Understanding has been finalized between TriGrid VL and PI2S2. Under discussion a MoU with CYBERSAR. COMETA, INAF and ALICE are “guest” Virtual Organizations authorized on the TriGrid VL e-Infrastructure This means that PI2S2 applications can run on the TriGrid infrastructure NOW ! Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Summary and Conclusions TriGrid VL is a very good example of grid project at a truly “regional” level. After one year from the beginning (and one year before the end) the e-Infrastructure of TriGrid is a reality and the big portfolio of applicationw is now going to be deployed on it. PI2S2 is on track and first jobs are expected to run on the infrastructure within spring 2007 although a lot of activity is already possible on the TriGrid production service. Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007
Any Questions ? Corso di Grid Computing, Catania, 12.03.2007