DRESS CODE TIPS Middle school students are rapidly changing, both emotionally and physically. Whitfield County Schools has a very specific dress code that does not raise many questions at the elementary level. However, middle school students require a bit more attention and adherence to the dress code guidelines, approved by the Board of Education.
Highlights This PowerPoint does not cover the entire dress code, but highlights some of the biggest obstacles for students.
When choosing Pants/Slacks/Shorts Remember… Yes- Denim, Chino, dress pants are appropriate No- Pajamas pants, overalls are not allowed
I know you’ve been wearing them all summer…..But save them for home.
No yoga pants, leggings, tights, or hosiery UNLESS This is one of the hardest changes for growing Middle school girls. What may have fit during the Summer, may not fit now or at Christmas. No yoga pants, leggings, tights, or hosiery UNLESS The top comes at least below mid-thigh all the way around. (closer to your knee). Here are a few examples of what not to wear.
Nope… Too much information and not enough modesty…
Below Mid-thigh? Nope……… these are out of dress code
OMG….. What can we wear? YES! These styles are below Mid-thigh!!
What if you wear a dress, skirt or shorts without leggings? It must come to your knee
These are too short….
Great tip for the year…. Dress extenders
Dress extenders can rescue your wardrobe!
Nope…. These are too short
Yes! These come to the Knee!
No holes in pants above the knee.
No sheer, lace, see-through, mid-drifts, or sleeveless No sheer, lace, see-through, mid-drifts, or sleeveless. These are all out of dress code.
Thank You! Please take some time to consider your wardrobe and help your child select appropriate attire for the school environment.
Questions? Our full dress code will be available in the student hand-book, is online, and is provided for every student on the first day of school . If you need more information, have questions about our dress code or need assistance, please contact our counselor, Jennifer Dixon. (706) 673-2611 jennifer.dixon@wcsga.net