Strength, Tolerance, Responsibility, Integrity and Knowledge STRIKE review Strength, Tolerance, Responsibility, Integrity and Knowledge
Dress code guidelines… All students are expected to dress in an appropriate and tasteful manner. The goal at KDMS is to create an environment conducive to learning and appropriate for an educational setting. Please refer to the dress code in your planner.
Review Dress code poster in planner
What are the policies? Shoulders must be covered, no thin strap tank tops or open back shirts Shirts with sleeves are appropriate
Shorts and Skirts Students may wear shorts and skirts, however length must be appropriate. Shorts and skirts need to be mid-thigh
Sagging Pants must be pulled up to the waist and cover under garments
Shoes with a hard sole must be worn Shoes with a hard sole must be worn. Slippers and Pajamas only on spirit days!
School appropriate jeans do not include jeans with rips
All shoelaces must be appropriate color we do not allow Red or Blue shoelaces
Please use the responsibility to review the dress code before wearing the following non-permissible items Clothing which displays obscene words, pictures or designs, any article which conveys a sexually suggestive, vulgar, demeaning or inflammatory remark, an alcohol message, a tobacco and /or drug related message, or is symbolic of gangs or disruptive groups. Dog collars, chains, wallet chains, safety pins, spike jewelry, or fishhooks worn as jewelry, accessories or ornamentation. No hats or backpacks once in building.
Non Classroom time Morning Backpacks put away by 7:30 and remain in locker until 2:00 Lock your bikes and place them in the bike rack Please use the integrity to enter the building for breakfast only if you are eating Use the strength to get to class on time, prepared and in your advisory before 7:30
Non class time lunch/afternoon Between classes please use the 4 minutes to get all materials and to class on time. After lunch you have 7 minutes to get to your class on time. Food needs to remain in the cafeteria. Take responsibility to clean up after yourself . If you have earned detention you must attend detention first then go to the cafeteria to purchase your lunch, no more front of the line passes will be provided for students who have earned detention! Use the gate to retrieve any balls that go over the fence. Play safe, without any physical aggression or behavior.
STRIKE success tips Strength: Give your best effort and seek assistance from an adult to STRIKE out ALL failing grades school wide. Tolerance: Be positive with all people or remove yourself from the situation Responsibility: Complete all homework and class work, have planner out to earn signatures. Integrity: Do the right thing walk away and report any concerning situations (bullying, arguments, possible fights, or any other unsafe situation) Knowledge: Be an active participant in your learning, check your IC grades weekly. Empathy: Stop and consider your actions and how they may effect others.