AWED Presentation Information PROJECT PRESENTATIONS 2013 AWED Presentation Information
Presentations are on December 2-5 1. When are presentations? Presentations are on December 2-5
2. How much does the presentation count? One test grade
You will draw for a day and time to present on 3. When will I find out when I present? You will draw for a day and time to present on Tuesday, November 26th.
4. Will I be able to trade the day that I draw? You will have five minutes to trade with someone else in class who is willing to trade. You cannot switch anytime after the drawing.
5. How should I dress for my presentations? You have to get dressed up to present. See the handout the requirements for dress. If you need dress clothes, please see your teacher, as we may be able to provide them for you.
6. If I make a costume, what do I have to do? Wear it.
7. What do I have to turn in on my presentation day? Your Visual Project All your other genres, revised and finished Your speech notes
8. What materials must I have for my presentation? All your genres, including your visual project. Your speech notes Your dress clothes or costume
9. What should my speech notes look like? It must be typed in 16 font, double-spaced.
10. What do I have to say in my speech? See handout.
11. How should I act as an audience for my classmates? Be quiet. Pay attention. Keep your head up. Be SUPPORTIVE.
5-7 minutes. 12. How long should my speech be? If you have performance as your project, you need to adhere to the minimum amount of time allowed for the presentation. You do not get to count the time of the performance in your speech time.
13. What if my project breaks on or before my presentation day? Fix it. Bring any and all pieces that can’t be fixed and present anyway. Then, fix it before the showcase.
Before you come to class. Not during class at all. 14. When can I change into my dress clothes? Before you come to class. Not during class at all.
15. What if I am sick or just don’t show up on presentation day? You MUST have your parents call and leave a message for your teacher in the main office. You must bring your project the next day you are back. If you just don’t show, you get zeroes on all three grades. No late projects.
16. What if I am not finished with my project on the day I have to present? Bring in what you have and present it anyway. At least you won’t get a zero and you can finish it by the Showcase, which will help.
17. When do I bring and take my project away? You bring your project on the morning of the day you present. You take your project away on the same day! We cannot store your project for you and you will need it again on the Showcase, so don’t throw it away!
18. What if I need technology for my speech? You must tell your teacher this week!
19. How do I display my PowerPoint for my speech? It must be uploaded in Edmodo under the final draft assignment. It will be displayed on the screen for your speech.
20. What happens if I don’t do a project? You will receive three zeroes as test grades and will not be able to have a booth at the Showcase, which is another grade.