Fieldwork 1 Orientation Website: http://hawksites. newpaltz
Agenda Overview of Fieldwork Assignments Getting Started Placements & Professionalism
Teacher Candidate Continuum Student Teacher Candidate Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Student Teaching
Set yourself up for success!! This semester, you’re dipping your toe into the pool and studying the waters so that you can become prepared for your next experience. Each of your field experiences will be preparing you for student teaching if (an only if) you invest yourself fully in each one.
Things to Consider: You are there to learn AND assist in the classroom You are there to observe AND participate You are there to get feedback You should always have a task to do You are in someone else’s classroom—respect for that is key!
The FW I Details…
FW1 Syllabus Overview Attend at least 10 weeks for a half day to equal at least 40 hours Half day means take the hours in a whole instructional day and divide it in half You need to be there when students are in the classroom, and when instruction is taking place Necessary for assignments for this course
FW1 Syllabus Overview 4 assignments 1 due BEFORE first day of fieldwork 2 due at midpoint (review in 2nd meeting) 1 due at endpoint (review in 3rd meeting) Hard Copies of timesheet & evaluation are due at endpoint
What is it? *Read the description in the syllabus Initial Assignment What is it? *Read the description in the syllabus
Reporting Physical or Sexual Abuse When to Report
INITIAL ASSIGNMENT Where do I find the links and forms I need for assignments?
Initial Assignment Where do I submit it? When is it due?
OTHER 3 ASSIGNMENTS Where are detailed descriptions? Where are the links and forms I need? Where do I submit them? When will I get more information about these assignments?
LiveText: Assignment Submissions Initial Assignment: CPP Acknowledgement. Sign form, scan, and send to All other assignments submitted to Livetext Candidates in this course (EED301) were already charged for an account. You will be receiving a code and directions by October 1st . Candidates who already had a LiveText account prior to this course will need to complete a waiver form (on FW website) and hand that into the Dean’s office (OM114). You will be reimbursed for the LiveText fee that you were billed with your tuition.
Once you have your placement… Where on the website do you find out what to do NOW?
Where do I find out about how do I should contact my CT ?
How do I keep track of my fieldwork visits?
How do I know what I am required to do in Fieldwork and what are suggested activities?
What paperwork do I need to GIVE my CT?
Professionalism in Fieldwork
Top 4 Concerns of CTs Who Contact Field I Supervisors 1. Late arrival or early departures 2. Unprepared to teach; did not follow directions/feedback 3. Lack of initiative/motivation 4. Unprofessional dress, piercings not removed, unprofessional demeanor, phone usage
Dispositions Expectations Review the Unacceptable and Acceptable categories of the SUNY New Paltz School of Education Dispositions Rubric Why do you think this document has been created? How do you think this will help you be prepared for your first teaching position?
Dressing for Fieldwork Success
Some school buildings have dress codes/traditions Some school buildings have dress codes/traditions. Pay attention to what people tell you about this… Real-life example: When Dr. Greene was a classroom teacher, everyone wore blue and yellow (school colors) on Mondays to show school spirit.
To wear or not to wear?? JEANS: are free of stains, holes, or tears Probably not. ONLY IF your CT suggests it is acceptable, make sure jeans: are free of stains, holes, or tears are tailored appropriately to fit your body fit comfortably so you can move around
If you’re wearing a dress or skirt, consider: LENGTH ALERT: If you’re wearing a dress or skirt, consider: …what happens when you bend over …what happens if there’s a gust of wind …if you’re able to move around comfortably …how will you sit on the floor?
NECKLINE ALERT: Bend over in front of a mirror to check Layering is encouraged! If in doubt, wear something else
SEE-THROUGHNESS: No one in a school building wants (or needs) to know the shape or color of your undergarments! If you’re not sure: Do a mirror test in bright light Ask someone you trust before you leave the house Wear something else
If it can be removed, remove it. If it can be hidden, hide it. BODY PIERCINGS: If it can be removed, remove it. If it can be hidden, hide it.
Cell Phones Must Be Off No pictures or social media
Communicating with your Cooperating Teacher
Professional Communication How can I be of help? What would you like me to do during the lesson? When would be a good time for us to look over the fieldwork activity list together? Now that I have seen how you do the morning read aloud, how do you feel about me doing it next time I am here?
Read and sign the contract
Where Can You Find Information About The Two Other Mandatory Meetings ?
Questions & Answers