Onboarding – Dress Code
The following are NOT “Business Casual + Jeans”
Distressed or Ripped Jeans
Items Shorter than Fingertip Length
Athletic Attire Basketball shorts Tank tops Sweatpants Yoga pants
EXCEPT The occasional husky sweatshirt is acceptable (school spirit)
Crop Tops
Low-cut, Strapless, or Spaghetti Strap Clothing
Flip-Flops or Bare Feet You need to be able to exit quickly and safely Corgi flops are still okay :] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glii-kazad8
Strong scents Some students have strong sensitivities/reactions to scents. Please be scents-itive in your use of cologne/perfume/scented products
Sunglasses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2LTL8KgKv8
Anything with inappropriate messages or graphics This includes: nudity, drugs, booze, profanity, anything gang- related, hate towards a particular group, etc.
Have questions? Check with your supervisor!