SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT TEAM BUILDING Presented by: Orville J. Mighty February 2017
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain what is a team. At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Explain what is a team. Discuss the importance of teamwork to an organization. Identify the characteristics of an effective team.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Develop a high performance team. At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Develop a high performance team. Lead a high performance. Create a positive team environment. Value the input of team members. Commit to being a great team player.
THE LONE RANGER For the person trying to do everything alone, the game really is over. If you want to do something big, you must link up with others. One is too small a number to achieve greatness. John Maxwell
CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE TEAM Genuine care and concern for each other. Team members know and share team values Clear and unambiguous communication
CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE TEAM Cooperative learning and growth. Subordination of personal interests. Each member has a special role.
BEING A GOOD TEAM PLAYER Be generous Avoid politics and gossip Display loyalty to the team Value interdependence over independence
BEING A GOOD TEAM PLAYER Promote others rather than self Take a subordinate role Avoid the blame game Listen to the views of others
BUILDING AND LEADING A HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAM Have a clearly articulated mission/ goal Determine the skills, competencies and characteristics required to achieve this goal Invest in developing your people/ team Identify and add new members Change Leadership Remove ineffective members Identify potential leaders Know and Respect your people Grow with your people.