Positioning agribusiness incubation within the CAADP framework Mark Kofi Fynn, CAADP Advisor Dept. of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission African Agri-Business Incubation Conference & Expo 2015 JKICC, Nairobi 28 - 30 September, 2015
Outline Introduction The CAADP Framework New Impetus from Malabo Commitments and linkages to Agribusiness Incubation Position of Agribusiness Incubation in ongoing and pipeline processes Conclusion
Introduction Opportunities and Challenges in African Agriculture Fast growing intra-African and global food market opportunities Need for African agriculture to undergo structural transformation that entails shifting from highly diversified and subsistence-oriented production systems towards more market-oriented ones Key challenges need to be addressed Weak backward and forward linkages of smallholders in value chains High degree of fragmentation of African agricultural markets Deficiencies in market and trade related infrastructure, policies and institutions Market development and trade in agricultural inputs and outputs will help farmers gain greater access to productivity-enhancing inputs and equipment farmers and agro-food processors have more opportunities to earn income from their products investors -- including farmers -- see opportunities to invest in additional production, processing and marketing capacities.
Agriculture Industry - motivated and driven by Introduction What kind of Agriculture do we want to see in Africa… Agriculture Industry - motivated and driven by Business cases About wealth creation … therefore calls for innovation
The CAADP Framework CAADP as African owned and led strategic agenda for continental agricultural development aims at transforming African agriculture, harnessing the sector’s job and wealth creation potential, and thereby contributing to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition. Within the framework of CAADP national and regional compacts and investment plans have been developed (41 country compacts, 32 NAFSIPs) The CAADP framework contributes to Africa's transformative agenda by: identifying relevant policy reforms and necessary investments; improving linkages among institutions dealing with agriculture and trade at national, regional and continental levels strengthening their capacities to formulate and implement policies mobilizing public and private resources fostering the alignment and coordination of development partners support accordingly.
The CAADP Framework – Key Priorities in Investments Plans Source: “Status, Experiences and Lessons with the National Agriculture & Food Security Investment Plans”,
The CAADP Framework – Pillars Approach Pillar 1: Extending the area under sustainable land management and water control systems Pillar 2: : Improving rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for market access ’’accelerate growth in the agricultural sector by strengthening the entrepreneurial capacity of large and small producers to meet the increasingly complex demands of local, regional and international markets in terms of quality and logistics” Pillar 3: Increasing food supply, reduce hunger, and improve responses to food emergency crises Pillar 4: Improving Agricultural Research, Technology dissemination and adoption
New Impetus from Malabo Focus on results and impact. Goals to be achieved by 2025: ending hunger tripling intra-African trade in agricultural goods and services enhancing agriculture’s contribution to economic growth & a significant poverty reduction objective (at least by half) enhancing resilience of production systems and livelihoods to reduce vulnerability, and enhancing investment finance in agriculture (both public and private). Commitment on Mutual accountability Biennial review and reporting
Post-Malabo Processes Malabo Declaration + CAADP Results Framework Provides the overarching vision, goal and targets for the period 2015-2025 The Implementation Strategy & Roadmap Presents strategic considerations as a guide to determining national and country actions for (a) substantive agricultural performance and wealth creation goals and (b) transformational and capacity development goals Outlines work streams that define and continually adapt the strategic actions into country, regional, continental implementation actions The Program of Work
Malabo Implementation Strategy and Roadmap 4 Substantive Strategic Action Areas Objective: transform agriculture and ensure inclusive growth Double productivity and increase production in a sustainable manner Enhance value-chains, markets, trade Enhance resilience of livelihood systems Strengthen governance of natural resources
Malabo Implementation Strategy and Roadmap : 7 Thematic/drivers of change and transformation: Objective: Strengthen systemic capacity for transformation through support actions on Capacity for planning Policies and institutions Leadership, coordination, partnerships Knowledge, skills, agric education Data and statistics Institutionalize mutual accountability Investment financing
Malabo Programme of Work Four categories Policy development, formulation, and institutional reform to achieve agricultural transformation Investment programme design and implementation Capacity building and coordination Monitoring and evaluation, data, and knowledge management
Position of Agribusiness Incubation in Ongoing and Pipeline Processes 2015-16 Priority Action Areas Review of Continental Agribusiness Strategy importance of agribusiness incubation highlighted; set up of continental private sector body under preparation Engaging countries on appraisal of the NAIPs Design of the biennial agricultural review cycle Programmatic support for implementation Development and harmonisation of communication strategy
Conclusion Achieving the results and impacts demanded by Malabo requires innovation Agribusiness incubation offer a means to achieve the Malabo commitments Ongoing and pipeline processes at national regional and continental levels should exploit the huge potential offered by agribusiness incubation in helping to realize the 2025 Malabo Goals
CAADP Website: www.caadp.net Thank You! fynnm@africa-union.org CAADP Website: www.caadp.net