LTM Types
Long term memory Procedural Declarative Cohen and Squire (1980) : said there are two types of LTM Long term memory Procedural Declarative Skills and procedures, or "how to" knowledge which we can ‘proceed’ to do or act out. Remembering personal events, cultural history or facts which we can ‘declare’ or describe verbally.
Work together on whiteboards – - Describe/define the types of LTM Work together on whiteboards – - Describe/define the types of LTM? - Which are declarative? Why? - Which types can you bring them fully into your conscious mind and which are more unconscious? - Give 2 examples for each. Episodic Procedural Semantic
Long term memory Declarative Procedural Episodic. Semantic.
Procedural memory is a part of the long-term memory is responsible for knowing how to do things, i.e. memory of motor skills. It does not involve conscious (i.e. it’s unconscious - automatic) thought is not declarative. For example, procedural memory would involve knowledge of how to ride a bicycle. ◦ Semantic memory is a part of the long-term memory responsible for storing information about the world. This includes knowledge about the meaning of words, as well as general knowledge. For example, London is the capital of England. It involves conscious thought and is declarative. ◦ Episodic memory is a part of the long-term memory responsible for storing information about events (i.e. episodes) that we have experienced in out lives. It involves conscious thought and is declarative. An example would be a memory of our 1st day at school.
Evidence for different types of LTM: Research Evidence for LTM types Clive Wearing: The case of HM: Evidence for different types of LTM: HM secret history of the brain video – biopsychology – 16/17m in – american flag & sitting on the steps of a house Evidence for different types of LTM:
Experiment conducted on HM History of the brain: broken brains chapter 3 onwards for star drawing task
Experiments conducted on HM: what does this show History of the brain: broken brains chapter 3 onwards for star drawing task
LTM and the brain What do the cases of CW & HM show about LTM & the hippocampus? Which types of LTM are created and possibly stored/retrieved using this part of the brain?
Evidence form brain scan studies PAGE 51 What did Tulving do/ show in their study?
Real life application How/why is it useful to know that there are different types of LTM?
Types of LTM Scenario Q: which type of LTM is each person accessing? John is sitting his psychology exam and answering a question where he has to describe and evaluate the multi-store model. Evan is taking a long walk in the countryside and is thinking about the last time he went for a walk with his sister and what a lovely time they had. Jess is driving to a sales conference along the motorway and suddenly realises she has missed the junction she needed to turn off at.