Planning for Tier 2 *
Answer = Need Tier 1 for Tier 2 to work TIER 1, 2, or 3? TIER 1, 2, or 3? Are there ANY schools that aren’t motivated to support the difficult, at-risk kids? Answer = NO So, why don’t we start with Tier 2 in PBIS training? Answer = Need Tier 1 for Tier 2 to work
What is Tier 2 really about? It IS a way to support students at-risk It’s NOT just about INTERVENTIONS Focus is still on establishing Tier 1 systems, but when those are not successful for some students, we turn to practices that will benefit small groups of students It IS the SYSTEM that connects Tier 1 to Tier 3
Tier 1 Accomplishments Students know behavior expectations System for acknowledging appropriate behavior Consistent response to behavior violations Team using data to make decisions District supporting efforts Schools should have these Tier 1 pieces in place. If not, go back, review and rework through Tier 1
What is Your Most Recent SET Score? 80% or higher total score School Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) The SET is just one tool that will provide your team data as to whether moving forward with Tier 2
Do your SET scores look this this? READINESS Do your SET scores look this this? This SET score represents a school not really ready to move into Tier 2 systems
Or do they look this this? READINESS Or do they look this this? This SET data show a school most likely prepared to develop their Tier 2
Who Might Benefit From Tier 2? Those students who do not sufficiently respond to Tier 1 strategies.
before investing in Tier 2 ☺ IMPORTANT MESSAGE Tier 1 is the FOUNDATION of the PBIS triangle So…. Be sure Tier 1 is solid, before investing in Tier 2 ☺
Examples of Tier 2 Interventions Check, Connect & Engage Organizational Check-up Social Skills Training Check-in/Check-out Are their others?
Let’s Evaluate Take five minutes to review the programs available in your school for Tier 2
Critical Features of Tier 2 Continuously available to student Rapid access to intervention (72 hrs.) Minimum effort for teacher/maximum benefit for student Consistent with school-wide expectations Implemented uniformly by all staff Tier 2 interventions should not be a burden for anyone in the system if implemented properly. It should be just part of what your school does to meet the needs of students
Critical Features of Tier 2 Flexible based on students needs/function Student chooses to participate Continuous progress monitoring Intervention “packages” matched to student need Plans are put into place that support the behavior of the student group you are dealing with.
Benefits of Tier 2 Interventions Improved structure Student is “set-up” for success Increase in contingent feedback Applied across school settings Increased reward for appropriate behavior Evolve to Self-management Supportive response to teacher
Student Identification for Tier 2 School ODR Referral – Teacher/Parent Data decision rule 3-5 office referrals 2 Detentions 2 Suspensions Incomplete Work
Are You Doing Some of This? Question? Are You Doing Some of This? Most schools have some supports available for students at risk. However, they often haven’t been systematically reviewed and connected. So, here’s what we should be considering…
TIER 1Implemented Same Way as Tier 1 in Schools , 2, or 3? PBIS TIER 1Implemented Same Way as Tier 1 in Schools , 2, or 3? Implemented Same Way as Tier 1 in Schools
Data What Data Could Be Used? DATA ODR Suspensions Attendance Grades Detentions Minors Intervention Data DATA
Selecting Students SELECTION Office Discipline Referrals: Using Existing Data Rule of Thumb = 2 to 7 ODRs Not an immediate danger to self or others What are the problem behaviors? Matching behavior function to intervention
What Systems Could Be Used? Structured Team Meetings Nomination Process Progress Monitoring Fading Interventions Criteria For Moving Between Tiers SYSTEMS Trainer may wish to include their own local example of a Tier 2 team
What Practices Could Be Used? Classroom Management CICO Check & Connect Social Skills Training Organizational Skills Homework Club Newcomer Club PRACTICES
Other Readiness Issues Coordinator for Tier 2 supports (10 hrs.) Commitment to train ALL staff Problem solving team Can be PART of PBIS team, a regular function of WHOLE PBIS team, or a SEPARATE team If separate, then plan to connection to Tier 1 It’s critical for staff to buy-in to the Tier 2 system you are using, so training of ALL staff is important. Teams should begin constructing how Tier 2 supports are embedded into daily work. What are the most efficient strategies for your school.
Records Records and Decisions Keep records of who is participating in each program Name Progress Decision KIDS DON’T STAY IN THE PROGRAM INDEFINITELY!!! Follow-up AFTER they are removed from program
Steps for Identification for Tier 2 Interventions Select student – Data decision rule Enroll student in appropriate Tier 2 Interventions Monitor progress data Evaluate success/modify program Fade the intervention or use more intense intervention
Now that We Identified the Students…What Interventions Should We Use? 10.17.2007 Interventions Now that We Identified the Students…What Interventions Should We Use? Interventions should be directly linked to the student’s area of concern Targeted interventions should be “scientifically-based” Intervention content should be linked to the school-wide systems OK, I know you’re hoping to see a big ol’ list of research-based interventions here! We want to emphasize the importance of not just selecting something that, even though it has research backing, sounds easy, fun, and economical to do…it might not be a match for our student population and/or the data-based identified need. Scientifically-based research is “research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs.” (NCLB) Do we have groups of students that might benefit from a targeted intervention? Should we provide additional lessons resulting in more opportunities for practice? Based on the types of problem behaviors, what targeted group interventions are needed? Based on the functions of problem behaviors, what targeted group interventions are needed? SST13 at SWOSERRC *
Examples of Tier 2 Interventions Check, Connect & Engage Organizational Check-up Social Skills Training Check-in/Check-out
What is Check, Connect & Engage? Check & Connect is a comprehensive intervention designed to enhance student engagement at school to assist disengaged students in grades K-12, through relationship building, problem solving and persistence. Who Can Benefit? Students who are skipping classes, frequent absenteeism, frequent number of school moves, limited extracurricular, those feeling socially isolated
Basic Approach Students: Check in and out with Coach/ mentor Check, Connect & Engage Basic Approach Students: Check in and out with Coach/ mentor Receive systematic daily feedback from teachers Receive weekly (up to daily) reinforcement for performance Receive social skills and problem solving lessons as needed Receive academic tutoring as needed Coaches/ mentors: Serve as daily positive role models Monitor all progress of students Connect with student and all adults Support teachers in implementing DPR effectively Measured Readiness for a targeted group intervention -SET School District, Administrative, Staff buy in Team and teacher training on targeted intervention Trained six coaches to run targeted group intervention Screened Students and obtained parent permission *
Social Skills Training Teaching and reinforcing specific skills for those students who demonstrate a skill deficit Who Can Benefit? Students who have the skills, but do not engage in it under the appropriate conditions.
Basic Approach Establish the Skill Identify the Components Social Skills Training Basic Approach Establish the Skill Identify the Components Provide a Model Rehearse the Skill Provide Feedback Program for Generalization
Organizational Check-Up Facilitate student organization Assist student with sorting and storing paperwork Identifying assigned homework Locate completed assignments Who Can Benefit? Students who turn in homework assignments and projects less 90% of the time across classes.
Basic Approach Spend time organizing the targeted areas Organizational Check-Up Basic Approach Spend time organizing the targeted areas Locker Book Bag Binder – this is the most critical area for academic success Routinely check targeted areas using a checklist Fade intervention after student has earned 100% after 3 consecutive checks
Check In /Check Out (CICO) The Behavior Education Program Check In / Check Out (CICO) Check In /Check Out (CICO) Strong evidence-base Over a dozen published studies Works for 67% to 75% of ALL kids Best for attention function but can be modified Designed as a Tier 2 intervention Can be purchased from Guilford Press as book and/or DVD
Critical Features Morning check-in Daily Progress Report (point card) Teacher feedback throughout the day Afternoon check-out Home component Team management and decision-making Training Teachers Students Parent
Behavior Education Program Student Recommended for BEP Behavior Education Program Behavior Education Program BEP Implemented BEP Coordinator Summarizes Data for Decision Making Morning Check-In Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Biweekly Meeting to Assess Student Progress Afternoon Check-Out Revise Program Graduate Program
Morning Check-In Students check-in with CICO manager Signed card from home is returned New card is delivered Point goal is reviewed Ensure student is ready for the day Materials, homework
Daily Progress Report One form used by all students Not individualized Connected to 3-5 positively stated PBIS behavior expectations Points are assigned for each behavior on a 0-2 scale
Check in check out card example HAWK Report Date ________ Student _______________Teacher___________________ Check in check out card example 0 = No 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Be Your Personal Best Teacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Work in class Class 0 1 2 Recess Lunch Total Points = Points Possible = 50 Today ______________% Goal ______________%
Check IN Check Out esample2
Teacher Feedback Throughout the Day Student is rated on behaviors during naturally-occurring transitions Feedback is brief Verbal Reward success and remind how score can improve if not scored as a 2 By using same card for all kids, teachers don’t have to “individualize” things
Afternoon Check-Out Check-out with CICO manager Review points earned relative to goal Deliver rewards Daily? Progress toward larger goals? CICO manager records points in database
Home Component Daily Progress Report goes home to parent Parent verbally rewards success Avoid using as a punishment Parent signs card and gives it back to student to return to school next day
Team Management and Decision-Making Team meets biweekly to review CICO program CICO Program Manager organizes data for meeting Discuss students who are not succeeding Plan for graduation for successful student Fading
Decision-Making Cont’d: Importance of Baseline Data Why? So we know if the intervention helped How to do it Collect at least 3 to 5 days of data BEFORE the intervention begins Teachers score behavior but don’t provide feedback to student
Tracking Student BEP Progress (number = % of total daily points) Date Jason Leanne Juan Kiran Alexa 1/16 85 95 100 80 65 1/17 75 77 1/18 63 1/19 45 92 1/20 88 89 90 1/23 79 1/24 67 78
Training Teachers Students Parents Explain program to all teachers Once they know how to rate behavior they can work with any kid Students Once student starts program, schedule a meeting to review program with student Parents When a student is being considered for program, talk to parents about what the program is for and how to manage signature and home feedback process
How Is BEP Different Than Other “Behavior Card” Interventions A Targeted Intervention Implemented Within a School-Wide System of Behavior Support Behavior Cards typically classroom interventions Implemented in all settings, throughout the school day All teachers and staff are trained Students identified proactively and receive support quickly Team uses data for decision making to determine progress 2005 by The Guilford Press
CICO Self-Assessment Review what’s involved with doing a check in/ check out (CICO) program If you choose to invest in CICO/BEP, then this document will help with action planning
Big Ideas Tier 2 is a SYSTEM that connects Tier 1 to Tier 3 Not all schools that are interested in Tier 2 supports are ready Invest in Tier 1 Select Tier 2 programs based on evidence Monitor progress of all students in Tier 2
Planning For More Support If Tier 2 intervention and modified Tier 2 intervention do not lead to improvements for children, then the Tier 3 process should be initiated Tier 3 = FBA that leads to individual behavior support plan FBA’s will be for another time.