Informed Delivery® Create Once. Connect Everywhere. Informed Delivery Overview September 2017 Welcome and thank you for attending our PCC week event! Today’s topic is Informed Delivery. Optional: Before we get started, can I see a show of hands of how many of you are already signed up to receive Informed Delivery email notifications? Optional if you have material on hand: If you haven’t signed up yet as a consumer receiver, we have material here today that will help you do so. Today’s presentation will give you a better understanding what Informed Delivery is, why it’s valuable to our consumers and business mailers, and how you can learn more and potentially conduct an Informed Delivery interactive campaign with us.
Informed Delivery offers an integrated marketing approach to meet today’s consumer demands. The Postal Service® is doing something new—and digital—with mail. Informed Delivery is a new and exciting consumer-facing feature that is offering mailers an integrated marketing approach to meet consumer demands in today’s digital world.
Mailer-provided Website What is Informed Delivery? e Informed Delivery users receive scanned images of the exterior of incoming letter-sized mailpieces (processed through automated equipment). Images are available via email notification, online dashboard, or mobile app. If a mailer participates in Informed Delivery, supplemental content, referred to as “interactive campaigns,” will be shown (for Letters or Flats). Interactive campaigns include custom images and a URL that directs the user to a digital experience. Informed Delivery provides eligible residential consumers with the ability to digitally preview their household’s mail arriving soon These previews are available via email notification, online dashboard, or mobile app – offering users access to their mail anytime, anywhere, even while traveling. There are two types of content that you might see in an Informed Delivery notification: (1) grayscale images of mailpieces and (2) interactive campaigns. The grayscale images shown here represent scanned images of the exterior, address side of incoming letter-sized mailpieces. This is what users see most frequently. It is important to note that not all letter-sized mailpieces are imaged; mailpieces must have a valid Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb®) and be processed on USPS® automation equipment to be imaged. It’s also important to note that Postal Service takes the privacy of mail very seriously. Consumers’ personal information is protected and the scanned images show only the outside of letter-sized mail. The inside contents are not imaged. The color content shown here represents what users will see if a business mailer chooses to conduct an Informed Delivery interactive campaign. If a mailer participates in Informed Delivery, supplemental content that they provide will be shown in place of or alongside their grayscale image. Interactive campaigns include custom images – known as Representative and Ride-Along images – and a target URL that can direct the user to a digital experience, such as a website landing page. We’ll discuss the elements of Informed Delivery interactive campaigns in more detail later in this presentation. https://www. Mailer-provided Website
What is Informed Delivery? Informed Delivery integrates hardcopy mail and digital marketing, providing multiple impressions and interactivity for your customers A new way to and reach your customers with a digital view of their daily household mail Digital views create an opportunity for marketers to build anticipation by adding a digital element to their direct mail campaigns Informed Delivery creates an entirely new avenue to reach your customers across multiple channels, and with actionable response mechanisms. Sophisticated mail processing technology used by USPS, gives the Postal Service the ability to provide daily notifications to consumer’s that contain digital images of their daily incoming mail. Along with these notifications and images, is the added benefit of giving marketers a new way to execute cross-channel campaigns. Informed Delivery can give marketers and mailers the chance to synchronize campaigns that contain both a physical mailpiece and a digital touchpoint. The digital component can take a consumer to an actionable, buy now engagement experience. So let’s take a look at what Informed Delivery is, how it works and how it can help your marketing. Informed Delivery creates an entirely new avenue to reach your customers across multiple channels with actionable response mechanisms. Mail processing technology lets USPS provide digital images of incoming mail to consumers. And along with these notifications and images, is the added benefit of giving marketers a new way to execute multi-channel, cross-channel campaigns.
Informed Delivery and the Daily Digital Routine Nothing replaces the tactile value of hardcopy mail, but USPS is responding to consumers’ increasing desire to interact and communicate digitally with everything, including their mail. Why is the Postal Service so excited about Informed Delivery? …This feature offers organizations an unprecedented opportunity to engage consumers and expand their marketing reach through synchronized direct mail and digital campaigns. Nothing replaces the tactile value of hardcopy mail, but the Postal Service understands consumers’ increasing desire to interact and communicate digitally with everything. While consumers and mail owners still value physical mail and the tactile experience it offers, Informed Delivery enhances that experience. With Informed Delivery, we are creating a new mail moment by uniting the physical mailpiece with a digital experience. Physical Mailpiece Consumers and mail owners still value physical mail and the tactile experience it offers. Digital Experience Informed Delivery enhances the value of physical mail by creating a new mail moment through digital content (i.e., custom images and target URL).
Marketer Benefits Lower cost per impression Generate revenue and cross/up-sell Improve email open rates Improve retention Enable multi-channel marketing Maximize envelope views
Marketer Benefits eMail Open Rates Multiple Impressions Offers an email open rate that’s more than twice that of industry average Multiple Impressions Generates multiple impressions from a single mailpiece (digital + physical) Drives Response Drives consumer response with interactive content related to mailpiece Additional impressions and interactive content can further drive recipient engagement and response – from your intended recipient and all household subscribers Digital Access Creates a way to reach consumers digitally by merely knowing their physical address ROI Multichannel campaign increases ROI potential Campaign Data Provides data insights to optimize marketing spend *Marketers in USPS test campaigns experienced average email open rates of 70% - sustained Enhanced call to action drives an average click-through rate of 6.1%
How Does the Feature Work? USPS leverages existing mail imaging processes to provide users with a digital preview of mail arriving soon. The Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb®) facilitates the entire process. ID Informed Delivery leverages existing mail imaging processes. To automate the sortation and delivery of mail, the Postal Service digitally images the front of mailpieces that run through our automation equipment. Informed Delivery uses those images for a second purpose: to provide digital notifications to users in advance of the delivery of physical mail. The IMb facilitates the entire process. After mail is imaged during processing, the images are matched to delivery points. At this point, interactive campaign data – provided by participating mailers – is then added and applied to Informed Delivery users’ notifications. Consumers signed up for Informed Delivery then receive advance notification of their mailpieces arriving soon and can act on any interactive campaigns they receive. They can retrieve the physical mailpieces that day or soon thereafter. Consumer signs up on® Mail imaged during processing Images matched to delivery points Interactive campaign data is added Notification emailed to user User receives mailpiece
There is no change to mail processing operations with Informed Delivery. Essentially, there is no change to mail processing operations with Informed Delivery. The Postal Service is making mail even more convenient, relevant, and accessible in this way.
What are Consumers Saying? “It gives me the ability to plan each day’s activities in relation to when certain pieces of mail are arriving.” “It lets me know when to expect something and gives me peace of mind that important mail will be delivered.” “Informed Delivery is essential – you need to know what's arriving when you are traveling.” What is the value of Informed Delivery for consumers? Convenience & Early Action – Consumers like that Informed Delivery gives them the ability to plan each day’s activities in relation to when certain pieces of mail are arriving. They can even take action before the arrival of the physical mailpieces. Visibility & Security – Consumers like that it lets them know when to expect something; it gives them peace of mind that important mail will be delivered. Access While Away – Informed Delivery is also essential for consumers that aren’t always near their mailbox; the digital previews let them know what’s arriving even when they’re traveling or on-the-go. Convenience & Early Action Visibility & Security Access While Away v.11092016
User Response 95% 95% 96% 59% 33% 7% Device to View Notifications are satisfied or very satisfied with Informed Delivery 95% view Informed Delivery notifications every day or almost every day would recommend Informed Delivery to friends, family, or colleagues 96% The Postal Service is excited about the reception of Informed Delivery to-date. In a recent survey in July 2017 (of over 20,000 Informed Delivery users): 95% of respondents indicated they are very satisfied or satisfied with the feature, and 95% check their notifications every day or almost every day. Further, 96% of respondents would recommend Informed Delivery to their friends, family, or colleagues. We also learned about Informed Delivery user behaviors: 59% of this survey’s respondents use mobile devices to view their Informed Delivery notifications, followed by 33% that use a computer or laptop, and 7% that use a tablet. The vast majority of respondents, or 88%, check Informed Delivery in the morning. Device to View Notifications Time of Day to View Morning 88% Afternoon 11% 59% Mobile 33% Computer or Laptop 7% Tablet Evening 1% Source: July 2017 User Survey.
What are the Basic Elements of a Campaign? Well-designed Physical Mailpiece Customized Content (Representative image) Let’s take a closer look at what elements make up a campaign and why mailers are using these new features. There are four basic elements to any Informed Delivery interactive campaign. Making use of each element will enable organizations to maximize their campaign results. Well-designed Physical Mailpiece – One of the central functions of mailpieces is to grab consumers’ attention. Informed delivery enables mailers to: Increase the visibility of their well-designed mailpieces Design new aspects of Direct Mail campaigns and reach customers in new ways Customized Content – If they choose, mailers can replace the grayscale image with a full-color Representative Image that relates to the physical mailpiece. Interactive Content – The full-color Ride-along Image and corresponding website link provide mailers with the opportunity to drive user action. Using a strong call to action helps drive results. Mailing Details – Mailpieces must be automation compatible. Mailers should follow USPS guidelines for size and weight requirements and placing of aspects such as the window or barcode. Mailers must have a valid IMb. Now that we have discussed each of the elements of a campaign, let’s look at a whole campaign. Mailing Details (Mailer ID, IMb® Serial Number Range) Interactive Content (Ride-along image and target URL)
What Does a Campaign Look Like? Mailers can replace the grayscale image with a colorful Representative image and supplemental content, creating an engaging call to action. Informed Delivery Campaigns for Flats While mailers can, and have, run campaigns for flats, results will not match letter-sized campaigns as many flats are not scanned through automated equipment due to Carrier Route bundling. USPS is scheduled to begin limited testing of the ingestion of flat bundle scans in fall 2017. A Representative image is required for all Informed Delivery campaigns for flats. The campaign pictured on this slide makes use of each of the campaign elements previously described. It is important to note that flat-sized mailpieces are not currently scanned through USPS automation equipment. This is because a high percentage of flats are placed in Carrier Route bundles, which go directly to the carrier case in the delivery unit. This process limits the visibility for flat-sized mail campaigns and the results of post-campaign records. This is also why USPS requires a Representative Image for flats interactive campaigns.
Who is Participating? Participation Results Thank you to our many mailers that have completed campaigns to date! This testing allows USPS the opportunity to validate functionality and data. 35+ mailers have tested to date 250+ campaigns completed across industries Many of these mailers return and conduct additional campaigns Participation What is the value of conducting an Informed Delivery interactive campaign for mailers? As previously mentioned, this is an unprecedented opportunity to engage users through synchronized direct mail and digital marketing campaigns. Informed Delivery has an email open rate of 70% -- this is a 12-month average as of August 2017, and is more than twice that of industry average. This also shows that the Informed Delivery user base is engaged. Users currently opt-in to the email notifications, meaning they are open to receiving notifications. Informed Delivery generates multiple impressions from a single mailpiece. Traditionally, Direct Mail reaches whomever opens the mail—sometimes referred to as the “Household Mail CEO.” With Informed Delivery, that individual is getting a double impression (between the email notification and reception of the physical mailpiece). Additionally, individuals who do not typically sort the mail (and who may not have been on your organization’s list) will receive a digital impression if they are also signed up to receive Informed Delivery notifications for the household. Informed Delivery drives consumer response with interactive content related to mailpiece. Users will be able to respond to a call-to-action immediately using this new digital channel. Informed Delivery gives mailers the ability to reach consumers digitally by merely knowing their physical address Informed Delivery potentially increases return on investment (ROI) on Direct Mail spend. The feature is free for both mailers and consumers. Although the Postal Service reserves the right to monetize future offerings associated with the feature, mailers can take advantage of it with no added cost at this time. As a result, if organizations can achieve greater visibility and more click-throughs, they can get more value from a campaign without spending more money. Informed Delivery provides additional data insights to optimize marketing spend. Analyzing metrics for Direct Mail campaigns can often be difficult. Informed Delivery provides a window into these campaigns and helps organizations draw insights about the effectiveness of their campaigns. These areas of data include: density and email statistics, open rates, and click-throughs. Because of these great benefits, USPS has seen a great amount of interest among brands, Mail Service Providers (MSPs), and agencies. 70% average email open rates – sustained For one mailer, the enhanced call to action drove a click-through rate of 6.1% Results
It features an ad alerting her to a dress sale at a local store. Informed Delivery Drives Action An Informed Delivery subscriber receives her daily Informed Delivery email notification. It features an ad alerting her to a dress sale at a local store. The consumer stops at the retailer on the way home, before getting her physical mail, to take advantage of the offer and buy a new dress for her date that evening. That evening your customer is enjoying a wonderful evening looking great in her new dress.
Campaign Participation & Results Total Industry Participation by Brand (as of 7/31/2017) To-date, over 35 mailers have participated in Informed Delivery – resulting in over 300 unique campaigns. Many of the mailers who conduct campaigns are “repeat mailers”, meaning they conduct multiple campaigns. This information indicates that organizations see value in the feature and are happy with the service provided. Campaign results have been very positive thus far. For example, the average email open rates for these campaigns is 70% – compared to an industry average of 20-25%. (See “Email Marketing Benchmarks.” Mailchimp, Feb. 1, 2017.) Additionally, one organization experienced an Informed Delivery campaign click-through rate of 6.1%! As of July 2017 (illustrated in the pie chart), the majority of brands USPS has worked with to facilitate Informed Delivery campaigns have been retailers. With that said, we have also worked with nonprofits, public administrations, heath care groups, and many more. The table at the bottom of the page reinforces the fact that participating mailers are experiencing high email open rates and click-through rates. Informed Delivery email open rates higher than 70% are not rare, and these mailers’ click through rates also surpassed industry average. July 2017: Top Campaigns by Click-through # Pieces Sent to Informed Delivery Users Email Open Rate Campaign Click-through Rate #1 5136 80.7% 0.7% #2 9248 76.3% 0.45% #3 4863 76.6%
Provide mailing details Analyze and gather insights How Can a Mailer Participate? Provide campaign elements to USPS such as campaign start and end dates, the Mailer ID (MID), custom images, and a URL View the results of your campaign, including email open rate and number of click-throughs Determine the type of campaign to conduct and create your mailing list(s) Pre-Campaign Campaign Post-Campaign Prepare Mailing Provide mailing details Induct your mailing Analyze and gather insights Plan your campaign Virtually any organization can conduct a campaign if their mailpieces are automation compatible and contain a valid IMb. Brands, MSPs, and agencies have all submit campaigns to-date. While many people may be involved in the development of an Informed Delivery campaign, including gathering necessary elements and content (e.g. the MID, IMb®/Serial Number range, start/end dates, images, URL, etc.), one person must work with the Postal Service submit a campaign file with all required elements. Campaign reports can be sent to multiple parties, though. The lifecycle of an Informed Delivery campaign involves five steps for mailers: Plan your campaign – Determine the type of campaign to conduct and create your mailing lists. Prepare the mailing – Prepare your hardcopy mailing as you would regularly. No additional steps are required here for the Informed Delivery campaign. Provide mailing and campaign details – Provide campaign elements to USPS, such as mailing dates, the MID used on the mailpiece or the MID and serial number sequence, custom images, and a URL. Induct your mailing – No additional steps are required here to conduct an Informed Delivery interactive campaign. Analyze and gather insights – View the results of your campaign, including email open rate and number of click-throughs.
What Type of Data is Shared? Informed Delivery provides organizations with insights into the following: Density and Email Statistics The number of users and the percentage of users who elect to receive Informed Delivery emails Open Rates The number and the percentage of emails opened during an Informed Delivery campaign Click-Throughs The number and percentage of click-throughs – when a user interacts with digital content Informed Delivery provides participating mailers with data reports that include information regarding: The number and percentage of campaign-related emails generated from the number of physical pieces. All Informed Delivery email subscribers in a household are included in this metric. The number and percentage of instances where a sent email was opened. The number and percentage of click-through generated from emails or the consumer dashboard.
Post-Campaign Reports What Reports are Available? Pre-Campaign Report OPTIONAL Pre-Campaign Saturation Report Post-Campaign Reports USPS is provides mailers with aggregate data from their Informed Delivery campaigns. Pre-Campaign Saturation Report: Prior to initiating campaign, this report provides mailers with the opportunity to evaluate their campaign reach and see how many Informed Delivery users there are within a particular mailing list at a given point in time. Post-Campaign Summary Report: USPS cannot provide IMb line level detail results due to privacy regulations and policies, but we are able to provide high-level insight into the performance of campaigns, either during the campaign or once it is complete. USPS provides line level detail of the counts in the Summary report using 5-digit ZIP Codes™ in place of Delivery Points. *Note: 2017 Mobile Shopping Promotion participants will not receive pre- and post-campaign reports at this time. Pre-campaign saturation reports and high-level summary reports will be included in the Informed Delivery Mailer Campaign Portal (upon its launch later this fall), but the MID-level report will not. Post-Campaign Summary Report Post-Campaign Detailed Report (5-digit ZIP Code level)
Sample Campaigns Now that we have discussed the different aspects of an Informed Delivery campaign, let’s take a closer look at how different industries can use the feature. These two sample campaigns show how two different mailers might use Informed Delivery. The retail campaign on the left shows how an organization might promote products and sales through Informed Delivery The insurance campaign on the right shows how an organization might advertise insurance plans and upgrades to its customers.
How Can Industries Use It? Bill Payment Balance Transfer Credit Card Activation Promotional Codes Rewards Enrollment Policy Bundling Claim Submissions Fee Payment Voter Registration Subscription Renewal Seller Registration Service Upgrade Device Upgrade Manage Account Financial Services Retail Insurance Government eCommerce Telecom Business Objectives The Postal Service separates mailers into six industries that might use Informed Delivery in the following ways: Financial services – Promote online activities, such as: Bill Payment Balance Transfers Credit Card Applications Retail – Provide accessibility to offers and remove barriers to purchase, such as: Promotional Codes Rewards Enrollment Insurance – Facilitate online plan enrollment or policy adjustments, such as: Policy Bundling Claim Submissions Government – Increase document visibility and reach audiences everywhere, such as: Fee Collection Voter Registration eCommerce – Drive users directly to online channels and marketplace, such as: Subscription Renewal Seller Registration Telecom – Simply account management, such as: Service Upgrade Device Upgrade Manage Account Users These are examples of how USPS has seen mailers use Informed Delivery and ways that we envision the feature being used. But, we want each organization to approach Informed Delivery in new, creative ways. The Postal Service is excited to see what applications different industries may think of next.
How to Submit an Interactive Campaign USPS will provide two methods of self-serve campaign submission: PostalOne! ® and a Mailer Campaign Portal. PostalOne! Current Functionality Work with PostalOne! Informed Delivery support team to conduct CAT testing Use eDoc (Mail.dat®) V17.2 to submit campaign elements at least two days prior to campaign start date Send supplemental content and Representative images to the USPS via email USPS adds images to campaigns Oct/Nov 2017 Functionality Fully automated processing of images Mailer Campaign Portal Expected launch: October 2017 Mailer logs into BCG and selects the Informed Delivery Mailer Campaign Portal Mailer submits campaign elements in a step-by-step campaign creation process no later than noon prior to campaign start date Campaigns can be edited and campaign reports can be accessed within the Portal The Informed Delivery Program Office (IDPO) is currently supporting the campaign submission process in a manual environment. After Informed Delivery expanded nationwide, more and more mailers demonstrated interest in using the feature. The Program Office submits mailers to a vetting and onboarding process to make sure the team can provide each organization with effective and efficient customer support. The first step to completing a campaign in this manual environment is submitting a Mailer Interest Form, available at the end of this presentation. Organizations can also work to submit campaigns via PostalOne! Mail.dat. Mailers can participate in the Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT) environment so that they can be ready for the production environment when it is fully automated (expected no later than November 2017). It is important to note that successful testing in the CAT environment is required to participate in Informed Delivery at this time, but it will not immediately qualify an organization to participate in a campaign. PostalOne! will be able to fully automate the processing of images in later this year, meaning organizations will no longer be required to separately email Ride-along and Representative Images to USPS. The Informed Delivery Mailer Campaign Portal will provide businesses and organizations the ability to initiate interactive campaigns, view campaign data and results, create campaign templates, store media, and more, all in one convenient location from the Business Customer Gateway (BCG). This self-service Portal is expected to launch October 2017. This Portal and PostalOne! will eliminate the need for the current manual submission process.
Next Steps Innovate Sign up Create Share Talk with your US Postal Service representative to create your interactive campaign and connect digital to mail Sign up Experience Informed Delivery as a consumer to truly understand the benefits and see why users love this feature Create Visit the mailer website to learn more about creating a campaign Share Share this personalized experience with a friend or colleague
Where Can You Learn More? Visit our online resources to learn more about campaign processes. Mailer Website: Review the benefits of the feature, learn about campaign creation, and more Download the latest Users and Household Data file View an interactive video and Informed Delivery user testimonial videos Mailer Interest Form: Want to get started today? Complete this required form to express interest in participating in Informed Delivery* Contact Information: Should you have additional questions after reviewing the website and completing the form, you may contact the IDPO at Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Informed Delivery. Want to learn even more? Check out these resources. The Informed Delivery website for mailers is Resources available include: Mailer FAQs Interactive Campaign Guide Informed Delivery Overview Campaign Elements Guide Complete the Mailer Interest Form Reach out to the Program Office at with any additional questions after reviewing the website and completing the interest form.