Lorenza Natali Chamber of Commerce of Macerata The effects of the recent earthquake in the centre of Italy on local economy Lorenza Natali Chamber of Commerce of Macerata
Open Data at the Chamber of Commerce of Macerata www.bit.ly/opendataimprese www.mc.camcom.it
Where is Macerata? Italy Centre of Italy Macerata
Businesses affected by the earthquake within the province of Macerata Active businesses within and outside the «Seismic crater» and municipalities involved; province of Macerata; 30/04/2017 Seismic crater: 20.370 active businesses Outside the seismic crater: 13.970 active businesses Total province of Macerata: 34.340 Imactive businesses
Percent change in the number of active businesses Annual % change from 30/04/2016 to 30/04/2017 of the number of active businesses Italia: –0,05% (–13.688) Marche Region: –0,97% (–1.466) Province of Macerata: –0,74% (–256) Province of Macerata
Distribution of businesses by industry Active businesses by industry; Province of Macerata; 30/04/2017 Other 13,9% Agriculture 22,7% Other services 4,5% Estate management 3,9% Hotels and restaurants 5,5% Manufacturing activities 12,5% Trade 23,1% Construction 13,9%
Exports by product Exports by main products; millions of Euros; Province of Macerata; 2011-2016
Our own contribution Open calls in favour of enterprises hit by the earthquake for damages to buildings and equipments Call for internationalisation … Call for entreprises which receive students for working experiences during school, in compliance Call for enterprises which start and develop projects for digitalization and web marketing
Our experiences on UE funded projects 2017: IPPON, Innovative Public Procurement Opportunities and Networking, (COSME) as partner; the project aims at removing the obstacles to access public procurement by SMEs; 2016: Wellfood Action, as Lead Partner, financed by Adriatic IPA-CBC Programme: cross-border cooperation on fostering innovation, developing sustainable forms of tourism and transferring knowledge in the sector of agrifood businesses, as well as bringing a cultural change by promoting targeted raising awareness actions for schools and tourists/consumers 2015: shortlisted for the European Enterprise Promotion Awards in 2015 under the category “Investing in entrepreneurial skills” with the project “Alternating work & school Experience” 2012-2015: Wellfood, as partner, financed by Adriatic IPA-CBC Programme aiming at strengthening the innovation capacity of agro-food sector in the Adriatic Regions, with the responsibility for the communication and dissemination actions 2015-2016: Digit Plus: as Lead Applicant (ERASMUS + under Key Action 1 “Mobility projects for VET learners and staff”) granting to 122 students the chance of a traineeship in another European Country 2014-2015: Digit: as Lead Applicant (ERASMUS+ under Key Action 1 “Mobility projects for VET learners and staff” granted to 112 students the chance of a traineeship in another European Country 2013-2014: META II: as Lead Applicant (LLP-Leonardo da Vinci Mobility )granting to 114 students the chance of a traineeship in another European Country 2012-2013: META: as Lead Applicant (LLP -Leonardo da Vinci Mobility) granting to 121 students the chance of a traineeship in another European Country
Our interests Supporting SMEs competitiveness, new entrepreneurship and start-up creation Valorisation of cultural heritage, promotion and development of tourism Supporting SMEs in the improvement of environmental conditions Promotion and valorisation of agro-food and touristic value chains Professional and job guidance and helping transition from school to labour market Helping SMEs adoption of digital and web technologies