ATF/TTF Instrumentation March 19, 2007 Last report: January 22, 2007 Juan Cruz, Justin May, Doug McCormick, Steve Molloy, Janice Nelson, Tonee Smith, John Wray 19 March 2007
Projects Overview ATF DR BPM Upgrade ATF2 Magnet Movers ATF2 Cavity BPMs TTF HOM BPM Bunch Length Monitor 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project Low Emittance Tuning considered very high priority R&D objective No milestones decided by ART yet From DR R&D mini-workshop in Frascati March 5-7, low emittance tuning section Kiyoshi Kubo gave talk about ATF emittance tuning After explaining the history of ATF’s low emittance tuning 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project Conclusions about previous emittance tuning efforts From Kubo’s summary 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project Trip Feb 13 – Mar 3 Summary of February 2007 trip Tonee and Janice plus 6 from Fermilab: Charlie Briegel, Dennis Nicklaus, Peter Prieto, Ron Rechenmacher, Duane Voy, Manfred Wendt SLAC/FNAL collaboration is now very strong with frequent group meetings and communication Manfred plans to send 6 again in May Summary of February 2007 trip 4 ET modules (8 BPMs) Optimized filter settings for ETs Tested Calibration System Perform limited BBA (on 8 BPMs) and beam studies to confirm system performance 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM progress Demonstrated three measurement modes Raw Data Turn-by-Turn data injection, extraction, or multi-thousand turn closed orbit data available upon request from EPICS Narrow-Band heavily averaged, high resolution data written every pulse Optimized preliminary digitizer performance Flexible FNAL timing module allowed on the fly changes to clock frequency minimum ET decimation reduced by factor of 2 (at least) One multiple-module problem solved “improved” VME hardware requires modification for older modules (like ETs) Another multiple-module problem under study Sent a crate to FNAL for testing 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project Lifetime measurement/resolution tests Echoteks 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project Resolution measurement (P Emma method – orbit fitting difference orbits) ET BPMs: 0.602 +/- 0.120 mm ATF BPMs: 9.855 +/- 2.068 mm 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project BBA data for 4 quads over two days Bowtie fits: ET BPMs only vs. ATF BPMs only 19 March 2007
ATF RingBPM Project Y BBA (um) ET +/- ATF QF2R.10 343.38 6.44 15.15 17.10 316.49 34.40 -105.14 174.00 QF2R.11 112.68 2.99 300.89 55.70 107.87 5.16 -89.69 165.00 QF2R.12 -72.69 5.07 -172.12 85.70 -91.84 14.20 -798.00 2040.00 QF2R.13 -188.03 1.19 -177.83 323.00 -174.37 37.20 -82.01 54.50 19 March 2007
Future Plans May trip (1-19ish) 6 from Fermi for RingBPM Tonee, Justin and Doug going for ATF 2 test stand install Bring 5 more modules (18 BPMs total) Set up a second crate in the other arc Try different calibration schemes & better optimize the filtering Do more beam tests Prepare hardware/software for outfitting ½ the ring in time for Fall startup Funding & availability of ETs still uncertain Both Japanese and US asking for money to fully outfit the ring (100 BPMs) Finish hardware/software for rest of the ring soon thereafter (Spring 2008) Project finishable pre-ATF2 (Oct 08) 19 March 2007
ATF2 Mover & QBPM Software Magnet Movers and BPMs Movers and BPM front-ends are delivered Code development and testing in progress for mover control and calibration Have hardware for one test stand available in ESB Software core designed to be extensible and interfaced from a variety of sources BPM code being developed in collaboration with RHUL, using lessons learned from NanoBPM 19 March 2007
TBD TBD (Japanese here tomorrow) Form of deliverables (libraries, executables, databases) Interaction between mover calibration procedure and magnet installation (during beam-line construction) Interaction between mover database (and code) and decks 19 March 2007
ATF2 Test Stand coming soon Will have a magnet mover with a ATF2 quad and cavity BPM in extraction line Develop software for readout of BPM and control for magnet mover Development of first-pulse operation scheme Test stand installation predicted for May 1st. Goals for May ’07 trip Install magnet mover control cables & camac system Install downmix electronics for QBPM on test stand, the Pohang prototype QBPM, and the reference cavity Test calibration procedure and reverse-alignment (determine magnet<->pedestal alignment by mover response) Thorough testing 19 March 2007
NanoBPM Use nanobpm system to test QBPM software In May: Make the software more turn-key 19 March 2007
ATF Schedule FY07-FY09 19 March 2007
TTF Hom Results Trip in Jan. ’07 Readout fully integrated with TTF control system Resolution & multi-bunch measurment Using narrowband processing system Process three pulses, third with no beam Subtract propagated second pulse from third pulse RMS of residual from linear fit to multi-step corrector bumps with saturated pulses cut 19 March 2007
TTF HOM Results (cont.) 19 March 2007 STDev = 4.387 um
Sample Results 19 March 2007
Bunch Length Monitor Building for LCLS (with an eye towards its applicability to ILC) 300 GHz installed in ESA Tests ongoing 19 March 2007
Summary ATF RingBPM ATF2 Movers ATF2 QBPMs Successful installation of FNAL system for 8 BPMs Exciting plans for trip in May: more people, more modules, more crates, more BPMs. ATF2 Movers (still) Ready for installation – 1 in May ATF2 QBPMs Exciting plans for May: hardware install, start software testing 19 March 2007
Summary (cont.) NanoBPM TTF HOM Bunch Length Monitor Plans for enabling non-expert operation TTF HOM January 2007 trip amazingly successful Bunch Length Monitor Amplifier fabrication under way, will be ready for beam in March 19 March 2007
First Pulse Operation 19 March 2007
First Pulse Operation 19 March 2007
First Pulse Operation 19 March 2007