FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Making a difference to Fair Trade in Hull Kingston-upon-Hull FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Making a difference to Fair Trade in Hull
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Purpose: To gain Fairtrade City Status in Hull by Making a big difference to Fair Trade in Hull Working within the Fairtrade Foundation Guidelines Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Project Launch Introductions: Peter Church Drama: Lifting the Scales: Credo Developing Fair Trade in Africa – Andy Carlton – Twin Trading Developing Fair Trade – Hull One World Shop – Chris Church Developing Fair Trade - Hull City Council – Martin Budd The Fairtrade City Project – Peter Church Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
Safety Briefing – Martin Budd FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Safety Briefing – Martin Budd Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
CREDO - TO BELIEVE IS TO ACT FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
Fair Trade in Africa and India Andy Carlton - Twin Trading FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Fair Trade in Africa and India Andy Carlton - Twin Trading Presentation Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
Fair Trade in Hull City Council FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Fair Trade in Hull City Council Martin Budd Local Agenda 21 Officer Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
Fair Trade in the One World Shop – Hull Christine Church Director FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Fair Trade in the One World Shop – Hull Christine Church Director Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
Project Description – Peter Church FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Project Description – Peter Church Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT 1,000,000,000 live on less than 1 dollar per day This is poverty This means degradation, hopelessness and an early death Fair Trade Means reliable income, food, medicine, Means co-operation, liberation, education Means hope Why run this project?
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Fairtrade Foundation Guidelines Steering group Retail outlet coverage Catering outlet coverage Community organisations Education Media Profile Plus Individual involvement Website http://www.FairTradeHull.org.uk The project was started by an alliance between Hull City Council and the One World Shop
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Big business Retail Scheme Catering Scheme Churches Community Schemes Schools Steering Group Individuals Services Small business Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it Media Profile Website www.fairtradehull.org.uk Education
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT What is a Fairtrade Community Organisation? (School, Church, Hospital, Police Station, etc) Documented commitment to Fairtrade from the leadership Demonstrable use of Fairtrade products Sustainable process Education Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Steering Group: Peter Church, WEFT, Chair Martin Budd: Hull City Council Chris Church: One World Shop Anita Beer, Methodist Circuits Michael Craughan: Businesses Supporting roles: Sylvia Usher – Development Education Committee Anna MacCarthy S Mary’s College Steve Walsh: Hull InPrint Zem Garrett – Newsletter editor Steering group membership is not set in concrete We need people who know how to get things done in the city
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Funding: Initial Funding is by the Hull One World Shop Contributions of money are welcomed (Cheques payable to Hull - Fairtrade City Project) Contributions of time, energy and enthusiasm would also be most welcomed Costs We will have significant printing, postal and telephone costs The One World shop donates a portion of profits to it’s owner: WEFT – One World Education. Purpose of the charity: Relief of Poverty and Fair Trade Education. Contributions of money will therefore constitute a charitable donation.
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Infrastructure: Paper Mail address is: Fairtrade City Project, C/o One World Shop, Methodist Central Hall, King Edward Street, Hull. HU1 3SQ Dedicated telephone line: Hull 446402 Website: www.FairTradeHull.org.uk E-mail: Info@FairTradeHull.org.uk
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT What happens next: Individuals give their commitment to support Fair Trade Steering Group define priority areas and approach Development of scheme materials Further development of the website
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Fairtrade Foundation Guidelines as applied to Hull: > 25 Retail Outlets > 13 Catering Outlets Community Involvement Schools, Churches, Businesses, etc Education Publicity Steering Group What do we have to do?
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Note Chester, Leicester and Cambridge already certified Newcastle v soon if not already Swansea, Portsmouth, Oxford, are on the way Another 5 cities are talking about it
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT What you can do to help (1/3): Support Fair Trade Buy Fairtrade labelled consumables Buy Fairly Traded gifts (from the Hull One World Shop) Wear a Fairtrade lapel badge (£1 as you go out)
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT What you can do to help(2/3): Find opportunities for introducing Fair Trade Into the workplace At Church In School And then tell the steering group ((01482)446402 or e-mail Info@fairtradehull.org.uk
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT What you can do to help (3/3): Make a contribution to the project: Time, money, management skills To the steering group ((01482)446402 or e-mail Info@fairtradehull.org.uk Priority needs: Active moles Secretarial skills Organising Skills Presentation and influencing skills
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT What happens now: Please complete your contact forms always assuming that you are happy to do so We will involve you as per your entries on the form Our promise, if you provide any information about yourself to us we will Use it only for the purpose of this project Not divulge it to any other organisations Not “spam” you or in any other way pester you
FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Making a difference to Fair Trade in Hull Kingston-upon-Hull FAIRTRADE CITY PROJECT Making a difference to Fair Trade in Hull