Making Choices for Jewish Living Ethics Jonathan Keren-BLACK, Leo baeck centre, Introduction to judaism
PIKUACH NEFESH – THE LAWS OF JUDAISM ARE FOR ENHANCING LIFE You shall keep God’s laws and rules You shall act on them People shall LIVE by them (Chai bahem) Leviticus 18:5 You should NOT perform a Mitzvah if it means dying. This is extended to mean you may break almost any law to save human life – this is called Pikuach nefesh – saving human life
PIRKEI AVOT – SAYINGS OF THE SAGES (traditionally translated as ETHICS of the fathers) This is a well known and popular collection of sayings, wisdom, guidance and aphorisms from the first sages and Rabbis. It is recorded in Nezikin, a section of the Mishna. It is traditional to study Pirkei Avot on Shabbat afternoons between Pesach and Shavuot. A selection of teachings from Pirkei Avot follows.
Distance yourself from a bad neighbour And do not associate with the wicked, says Nittai the Arbelite (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 1:7) Cf: You set me in circles of righteousness for the sake of Your name, Psalm 23, p576
Hillel says: be of the disciples of aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace Loving people and bringing them nearer to the Torah. (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 1:12)
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 1:14)
Shammai says: Make a fixed time for your torah study Speak little and do much And receive every person with a friendly face (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 1:15)
Hillel says: do not separate yourself from the community Do not judge your fellow until you have experienced the same, And do not say ‘When I have more time I will study’, for perhaps you will never have more time! (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 2:5)
Rabbi eliezer says: let your fellow’s honour be as dear to you as your own Rabbi Yose says: Let your fellow’s money be as dear to you as your own! He also teaches: Apply yourself to study Torah, for it is not yours by inheritance; and let all your deeds be for the sake of heaven (l’shem shamayim). (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 2:16, 17)
It is not for you to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it Rabbi Tarfon used to say: “Lo aleicha ha’mlacha ligmor, lo aleicha ligmor, V’lo atah bein chorin l’hibateil mimena, v’lo atah bein chorin (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 2:21)
Pray for the welfare of the government Says Rabbi Chanina, for on it does your own welfare depend (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 3:2) In a democratic society like ours, relief must come through an aroused popular conscience that sears the conscience of the people’s representatives. Felix Frankfurter, p89
Everything is foreseen, yet freedom of choice is given The world is judged by goodness, yet all is according to the amount of action. (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 3:19)
Who is wise? One who learns from everyone. And who is mighty? One who controls one’s urges. Who is rich? One who is happy with what one has. (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 4:1)
Ben azzai teaches: run to do even a slight mitzvah, and flee from transgression For one good deed inspires another, but one sin leads to another (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 4:2)
The sword comes into the world on account of the delay of justice and the perversion of justice. (Pirkei Avot – Sayings of the Sages 5:11)
This is what I desire: to unlock the fetters of wickedness and untie the cords of the yoke To let the oppressed go free, to break off every yoke. To share your bread with the hungry and take the poor into your home. When you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to ignore your own kin. Isaiah 58: 6-8
TZEDEK, TZEDEK TIRDOF You shall pursue righteousness (tirelessly) that you may live. (Deut. 16:20) Why is Tzedek repeated? To teach us: Pursue the goal of justice through means that are just. And to teach us: Justice for ourselves. And justice for the other.
Israel’s Supreme court – Justice comprises straight lines (LAW) mediated by curves (Mercy)
The lobby of the courtrooms, jerusalem
So now it’s over to you! Thanks for being such great and attentive students!