Dr. Patty LaValle Ursuline Academy of Dallas Mindfulness Dr. Patty LaValle Ursuline Academy of Dallas
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a specific way of paying attention to one’s surroundings that is honed through meditation and acceptance practices. It is a an awareness that emerges though paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience. (Jon Kabat-Zinn Founding Executive Director of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School)
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Contemplation of the Body Breathing, Posture, Sensations, Standing, Sitting, Lying Down, Walking Contemplation of Feelings Pleasant, unpleasant, neutral Contemplation of the Mind Observing one’s own mind and its habitual responses Contemplation of Universal Laws of Matter and Mind Opening to life as it is experienced in the NOW
Why is MindfulNess Important to Student leaders? Lead by example Model Cannot be a good leader if do not take care of self Why is MindfulNess Important to Student leaders?
Examples of Mindfulness Practices The art of Listening Establish correct conditions (willingness, interest, good posture) Stop and take a moment right now to notice what is in your awareness. Are there any sounds you are hearing now? Are you aware of your body and the position it is in right now? Are there any particular sensations you are feeling? Are you aware of your breathing? Can you notice what happens in the body when you breathe in? What about breathing out? Are you noticing any smells? Are there any thoughts moving through your mind? If you were asked, “How are you right now?” How would you answer? Share Thoughts on this experience
Listening Continued Why it is important? When roomful of humans listen intently together two things happen 1) It gets still 2) It gets quiet Providing a soothing comfort When was the last time you stopped long enough to listen to the sound of rain, wind, birds chirping, baby breathing? What do you have to do to truly let go and listen
Meditation and Yoga Not going to speak today on Yoga because you have a yoga instructor coming to show you the power of yoga. Meditation can come in many forms Bells Silence Guided Body scans
Meditation Apps 01 02 03 04 Mindfulness Insight Timer Headspace Smiling mind 04 Meditation Apps
Meditation Practice Body Scan exercise (Insight Timer Ryan James Kenny) Inter-Personal Experience (Adapted from Gregory Kramer) Mindfulness of Talking (position of stillness, topic chosen, bring awareness what chosen to say) Pause Relax Open Listen Deeply Trust emergence Speak the Truth Dyads Each person speaks for 2 minutes uninterrupted, listen reflects back what heard, speaker either acknowledges intention and meaning correct or corrects the listener Important for both people to be aware of internal reactions Return to Silence and switch roles Deep attending with intention and attention fosters connection to others
Self Care Sleeping (Teens need 9-10 hours of sleep) only 20% reach that optimal amount and nearly half average less than 8 hours on weeknights Girls, Sleep and Mindfulness by Tori S. Cordiano Laurel Center for Research and Girls) Sleep Hygiene Need to eat three well balanced meals with 1-2 snacks a day Exercise 30 minutes 3-4 days a week Family/Peer time
How Mindfulness affects Sleep Learning to manage stress leads to improved adolescent sleep Mindfulness, yoga, guided relaxation, exercise, meditation boost adolescents well being. Mindfulness techniques reduce the time it takes a teen girl to fall asleep and improves sleep quality Higher levels of stress reduce amount of sleep Greater time slept showed reduced levels of stress (Girls, Sleep and Mindfulness by Tori S. Cordiano Laurel Center for Research and Girls)
Summary What have you learned? What will be useful going forward as a leader in your school?